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Everything posted by jenga

  1. well at least i have got you over and done with , now for the proper fans !
  2. anybody beat that ? is this the start of the sports biggest love in ? ? ?
  3. thats why we chose that spot to meet . 3 leg ends in one spot at one time L.O.L. for the benefit of yourself shazza .13. baldyman .. one of the nicest people you will ever meet in your entire life , besides me .
  4. did you have your red nose on to go with the colourful jacket . ? to be honest , i think more and more fans should be meeting @ meetings ! ! !
  5. so is it . i was nowhere near him ? OR he was nowhere near me ? OR as per post ?
  6. they only play in the Scottish league because back in 1884 they were formed and played ih the borders group against Scottish sides . it was a case of one foot to the left and you are in Scotland and another foot to the right and you are in England ! . yea , so English , but Scottish ..
  7. BUT they are not in Scotland , are they . or did you not know that ?
  8. unfortunetley thats how and why rumours start when a team suddenly forgets how to ride to win . just that some folk like to dig up an excuse or a proper stab from an non sheff supporter .
  9. tac ride = 3. 2. 1 or 0 now , no double points .. hence all speedway scores adding up to 90 in total . as it should be .. reading Nicolai,s schedule for the week it looks like he will be with us for redcar (away) leakside (sat and and redcar sunday) . . maybe rene can get out of his other fixture on sunday .. .
  10. you know i know , ................................. jack ................
  11. i think the glasgow followers have decreased quite a lot. not many travel, now that their season has about finished . the honeymoon period is over . last night we were lucky to get the meeting to the finish as the weather was very threatening . but the marras threatened the weather even more . 3 points towards the holy grail . lets hope the team , the supporters and the management get to the finish line . it was nice to see a forum user from down soooth @ workington . . stood with us and a very ,very nice chap , welcome anytime marra . any rider who took falls/knocks , i hope they recover quickly . inc Rory ! on a . final note , drew kemp looks an outstanding prospect . his wee battle with kyle has done them both good . he was very near to the 3rd man for points and ippo need to keep hold of him and not let the Glasgow magnet draw drew north of the border .
  12. why dont fans step back and let leakside get on with their own thing. the club is having a great season , so let the season run its course and see how it goes from there . i am sure all will be sorted out by the people that matter . good luck to em for this season and hope its good result @ the end of the end . unless ssomee super fan has shed loads of spare cash to build a new stadium , sit back and let the pros sort it out . no need for the knife twisting thing IMO
  13. WHAT , they came nude ! rory suited up and ready to go , but he said no . still us guys are just normal people and dont know about conditions for racing . not a bad day up here . i think its about 6 inches on a reasonable sized map . hope to see lots of ippo fans here . ( baldyman ) tell rory the track is still damp , but will require watering later on . still a . great rider , but why all the moaning ?
  14. from last nights meeting ! were the dirty on the inside ?
  15. that runt complains when the track is wet . a proper winger . rode @ workington last year , i think . was beaten when they watered the track in the afternoon . once a moaner , ALWAYS a moaner . i can see C.L. not wanting him @ ippo in 2019 . + all the lemmings who jumped ship with slimy rory . can sonebody tell rory the track will be very grippy on saturday @ woeky as its been raining all day . naaa , cant ride in that sh7t maan .. says roary the tiger . end of story !
  16. but there is only one rider missing and thats charlie .secret weapon @ number 1 tho . i though thats why the glasgow team was built the way it was . to pulverise every visiting team .
  17. its not often i quote my own post,( dont think i ever have ) but i just have . so thats 4 off the bounce for Sheffield . pizz poor team , vastly understrength and overrated in all departments and that includes the promotion . steady will not be back next season .thats for sure . looks like bates is a master at destroying a great speedway club .sheff were one of the teams my mate made the effort to see @ worky. they have turned into the crud of the championship . SOMETHING HAS GONE ON BEHIND THE SCENES . feel for sheffield folk .mugged 4 times now by inferior opposition .
  18. i dont think Sheffield will get that many, maybe just scrape through .
  19. never seen or heard any rumblings from sheff fans against bjerre or vice versa . must have been an isolated incident . didnt actually see or hear any tigers fans either . so looks like is mister bates COULD be the problem .... but dont quote me on that . i have used up the 2018 quota of ???? .
  20. its provisional , just like death . it will come when it comes . . if its in the s.s. its more smoke and mirrors . dont trust the weekly rag that used to be a great read . now its full of spiel and not worth the £1.50 ..
  21. no one else . i like mason and he is having a good season . good job worky were not riding on friday , cheers godders and chappy . i take it all back . NOT. so miss cookie in the GPs . cant record on bt sports . so looks like live and in yer face speedway @ wucky on Saturday v ippo ... looking forward to seeing young kemp . is that ross,s lad ?
  22. Are Peterborough racing today or is that another alternative race day ? YEE HAA . new fridge/freezer . no more warm milk !. thats more interesting than the weather ! @ Peterborough ....
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