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Everything posted by jenga

  1. you know i do nt . but them numbers ring a bell . think its time to look through the trash ! s.pose someone will have it , just not me . just how long has the golden ticket holder got to show it ?
  2. i just knew YOU were going to pop up with something like that .
  3. take those specs off Montie . get some anti-tunnel vision ones . god ders claimed and made it public he was having trouble getting guest riders on Fridays due to the number of clubs racing on that day . so the easiest thing to do was to use his super powers and pull a move on the tracks that used Fridays as an off race night . workington used Fridays so the workington fans could see Craig Cook in the G.P.s on Saturdays . nothing wrong with that . in fact the promotion were looking after their fans and even away fans if the Saturday fixture clashed with a G.P. meeting ! any club would have done the same if they were in the same position . this was all sorted BEFORE the season started and was in full agreement with all teams in the championship ! so Montie when you go down to SPECSAVERS on Monday , ask for a hearing test as well because you dont seem to be able to grab the situation, do you ? i now await for the verbal abuse from the G+_)(* . . RRRR . tis a shame you cant work it out for yourself , innit ! ( PIRATES VOICE )
  4. jeez , really gutted for tom. a guy that really looked to have a future in this sport. hope he can get fit and well . shame for the lad . recover well tom . it takes time .
  5. free advertising , you just cant buy it . i wonder who said that then ?
  6. nice to see will lawson beating the visiting reserves a few time to gain his high score . more to come from the old guy !
  7. i recon they are around %94 . so thats more than god ders .
  8. 6.30 start .. 630 start. I SAID 6.30 START . BRING YOUR SHORTS N TEE SHIRTS . ITS GONNA BEE A SIZZLER ...
  9. someone needs to nip down to that board and write 6.30 pm start . with it being a double header , some newbies may turn up and miss the first half hour. then again it could just be 2 heats . SIX THIRTY START BET SOMEONE DOWN THERE WITH A WRITING STICK .PREF SOMEONE THAT CAN DO MATHS (THATS SUMS TO SOME )
  10. i like Scunthorpe , its a nice place to come from , but not a nice place to go to ! (T . I . C )
  11. so do you have to run with 6 riders in your team or do you invite him back into the team .? ? ? ?
  12. it will only happen to your team IF Mr Godfrey is in charge of it ! guys a nugget. half carrot, half brain cell . (tic) tock .
  13. heard a rumour that James Sarjeant and Danny Phillips are nailed on @ 6 and 7 in 2019 (tic) the sacking of Danny Phillips AND THE RE INSTATEMENT just goes to show how much respect and knowledge Godfrey has for the rules of speedway . him and doctor Harkess are two small people in the world of speedway trying to be big .if you are running a sport/business , you SHOULD know how it works one makes a track too grippy to ride and the other knows jack ! good result for wucky last neet . well done the marras .
  14. looks like getting guests on Fridays is still hard , but looks like getting a texter is even harder ! how you going to solve this one godders ?
  15. all the people in workington are rich , didnt you know . BTW . i know what COMmEnTS coming next !
  16. thats a terrible looking side . 2019 will be just like 2018 with that team !
  17. jacko COULD be available in 2019 ..if we dont run, that is ! then again , was fan @ one time..you stick with cameo ..
  18. dont some if those mentioned have pl/championship averages ?
  19. aye . people in jobs they know nothing about . shame on that snooze paper . now that reminds me of two other people who are running speedway in the u.k. Wallace n Gromit er chapman and Godfrey ! just in it for self gain . no interest in the final product at all .
  20. it cold have been worse , you could have signed sarj off Glasgow . pure entertainment on track . all for the wrong reasons .we were having bets to see if he would .. 1 break the tapes 2 fall or 3 actually win a race . but life moves on .
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