price wise , people will always want it cheaper , whatever the product .
i for one would use the stream .the post code thing . that is something the Edinburgh promo did . ask a monarch/Glasgow fan on here . allowing away fans and people like myself to follow a meeting where their team or some other teams were involved in . the monarchs promo had a certain milage from the track to your house .your post code told them your location . i dont see a problem with this stream .
its like workington fans wanting to stream a northside meeting lol .
do you get it now ? DOH
you know its for the greater good .
i would rather pay for the stream and support this offer of watching UK speedway
the danish , and other variation of speedway meetings abroad do not interest me at all , but thanks anyway .
lets hope it isnt too overpriced .
when you reg with the streams and put in yer details bank stuff n post code . you will have to be a certain distance from the track that will be streaming the event . Glasgow/Edinburgh done this i believe , so no impact on the gate . i i streamed a few fra Glasgow and Edinburgh . the Ashfield ones were the best , where as the Edinburgh ones were were 1990s quality . OOPPSS
i think the supporters of teams/tracks no longer in operation could out number the supporters of todays tracks still running in paying for this service .
wow , thats a great bit of tech that . got to say tho its one of the few things you can replace in an instance , maybe he didnt bring a spare with him !
spark plugs , been around for decades , i think . sack the spanner man . lol.
looks like they are still using that rulebook . thats progress for ya .
just found out the item they are going to repair is a box . you know the type that cricketers and speedway riders wear to protect their jewels . wonder who is going to work on that little item ? face masks will be mandatory .