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Everything posted by jenga

  1. jseezzw . a woman with power and money . thats a recipe for disaster . lol ,tic , larf .
  2. you seem to hear an awful lot .lets hope it was a dream during the wet season . er, steve or ritchie . and did you wake up on a sticky wicket ?
  3. was that before or after god Godfrey messed up on his maths > how on earth does he count the takings .
  4. so the team will be picked FROM that 6 man team , interesting .
  5. easy tiger,.... s . i see your w/site has you starting on the 1/3/2019. i thought the season started in April in 2019 ?
  6. G,night gaz . we will carry on another day . this day is now H18TORY .
  7. i dont need a virus to do the bad spelling , i just do it naturally . lyke all Cumbrians do !
  8. will the tigers still be around when the 15 years is up ? so who is getting the cash now.( the faccues. cant spell facciners) or a.n other . hope its not on brighthouse terms lol .
  9. its funny how the Glasgow followers were boasting about selling mason to workington for k10 isnt it ? so even back then the Glasgow faithful were adding bits onto things that were not true . now the k100.000.00 debt may only be k50 they lost or have they lost more than that and dont want to admit it ............. K7 OR K10 . what was the real price then . or was it , send three and fourpence , we are going to a dance . chipping up, add ons , call it what you will ...
  10. that gives me an idea for a Saturday morning kids show , thanks .
  11. but mason was a reserve that was beating heat leaders on a regular bases . rode @ 6/7 for most of the season and then he rode in the main body of the team and pushed rene down to reserve . he can and will do what he has to . is there anyone out there smarter than their kids nowadays lol .
  12. Best k10 workington ever spent . thanks again tiggers .........campo, 2019 comet . ........ he has been outstanding in 2018 . thanks again .Merry Christmas .
  13. Noooooooo . YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS . one of the riders of the year for , along with the other 6 .lol.
  14. that tin of worms certainly caught some big fish , now to fry them ! did somebody say JakeAllan had signed for scunny ? didnt see that on this forum . lol. so , Bradders it is then !
  15. i think its Jake Allan ! thats opened a can of worms somewhere .
  16. some interesting posts on here . but i just would like to ask the question, if Glasgow had won the league or cup finals and the spot was full to the rafters of proper paying fans on the finals they won .. do you think they would still have made a loss / profit on the 1/2/or 3 finals they won ?
  17. i am not sure . i thought he had a 3 year one. but not sure . perhaps T.H.J. can answer that one ? .
  18. ty still has broken bones and nerve damage in one hand. healing time. ? .
  19. aye , sold workington a few red herrings in 2019 . and we gobbled them all up lol.
  20. workington tried not to when craig was in the G.P.s and look what happened there . ole goodfrey struck lol
  21. since when have i ever thanked you gaz ? lol......
  22. are those odds making me favourite Gaz ? gotta win this, cant let those pesky cornets win everything in 2018 ! (well almost everything)
  23. anyone with a stupid shirt can get on T.V. nowadays . remember Timmy Mallet ?
  24. to be honest. kids may go to bed around 8.50 ish , but very rare are they asleep. way too much tech in the bedrooms nowadays .
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