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Everything posted by jenga

  1. NO. that does it for me ...... good 3 and 4 . tero can do it at most, if not all tracks , simon will be a trump cars @ 2 . josh and kyle will do good in the reserves and wozza will do what he always does , but better ! i one man does not win the league , keep all your fancy pants rider with their serious faces on the photo shoots. we could do the double, treble . time will tell
  2. as laura said , its a shame the team was leaked . but thats the power of social media . the world is not a big union as it used to be .... news, , good or bad travels fast and there is no way of keeping a secret anymore . things can even be dragged up from the past now and all it take is a peep on the computer .. the bad bit of the speedway world are the one who tell their mates and before you know it , its out . on a positive side , at least Laura can look forward to an easy ish festive Chrimbo and new year . on a personal note , i would like to wish all comets fans and fans from other tracks a merry New year and a happy Christmas . hic . tic . will jacko regrow his hair or have a transplant? , will Steve Whitehead have to buy a bigger suit after the festive season .(do they make them that big ) ? will i ever put a sensible post on here ? ( naa , cant . see that ) to all the very north /westerly foreign fans ,will they go go into meltdown again ? thanks to LAURA AGAIN for providing us with a sport to follow . better stop now , feel like T.H.J. with a war n peace post .
  3. and i think that max came AWAY @ stoke .if i remember correctly ! ! !
  4. that could be a proper full time job . some folk still have them , ya know !
  5. good to see wullie lawson getting a team spot. he looked good in the play offs at worky . he should add a few points on his average in 19 ...
  6. looking @ the DVD of the play off semi @ Glasgow. the track was giving riders a good shake about . in fact the rides from both teams were not in control most of the times looks like there is more scope for improvement in the track prep .
  7. ass ets . its like running a car hire company . you own the cars. get money from the hirer . even if it does not get used for one summerseason . its cost nowt because u bought it outright . you can either use it your self . let it out to another company ( club ) so the more vehicles you have on stock, the more chance of making money off them you have . facts n figures ----------- there is only one person to ask .eh .
  8. call a truce then . you start it off. . but you will still get the keystone cops digging it up again . so who is first to say sorry ?
  9. aand you are obviously bitter about having to keep sarj for another season ..
  10. its pointless trying to explain it as the hadrians wall people dont listen to reason . they are in it just to stir things up. so thats the truth from the horses mouth !
  11. Mc Donald will come in on 4.20 . i do believe . so unless lambert get a reduction in his average ,Simon will be in the main body of the team and put the 4.20 aussie into one of the reserve berths .
  12. was Simon terrible the last time he was here , no not really. prob had one of his best seasons ever . butt lets see what the final outcome is .
  13. yes he rode for buxton in the nl or whatever it was called then . so should get something .
  14. it was never in doubt. put in rasser on a 6.59 and look for a 2. something. rider . would jack smith fit ? will there be another vid to announce Craigs return `/
  15. funny enough , only you Gazc . so by those percentages , i would say you are the odd one out !
  16. you should be in bed , you need that beauty sleep lol . you know whats coming next ? TIC . put it on the glasgow thread fur a larf . well , thats me done. off to the oxygen tent for a good nights kip and no budgie stuff .. . may have to take it back as it came with no guide lines or pegs . goodnight John boy . (your turn )
  17. just put up Glasgows team for 2019 on the Glasgow 2019 and onwards thread . lol.......... how far out am i THJ ?
  18. just doing a bit of doodling ! good looking team for Glasgow at the moment . got this from my mole in the garden . cookie, claus, sarj , starkie , lawlor , rasser , and klindt . Sheffield have something to fear , thats for sure .............. sure it comes under the 38 points limit .
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