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Everything posted by jenga

  1. did those people that had the choice to turn off the BT coverage really want to turn off the coverage , especially after paying for their their BT coverage ? but as mentioned earlier , if it was not on tv the meeting would have been off . . after all Rasser and Claus would not like to ride a track that you can make sand castles from !
  2. best advert i have seen on tv for speedway , ever ... NOT.. why does speedway run the most important meetings @ the end of the season when its cold/WET and all the supporters are shivering their bits off ? it would be easier to run the trophy meeting early doors and then fly through all the remaining league meeting while the sun shines and fans are happy under the rays of the sun . . then run all the fours/pairs and individual meetings just after the league . season finishes in July . everyone goes home happy , dry and warm . British speedway can be dreadful at times and is not worth following at times like this .
  3. would that be around 1500 to 2000 ?
  4. so can you tell me how the crowd has grown from the time you had Joe Screen , Travas Mcgowan etc to the modern day Glasgow tigers 7 ?
  5. big average riders are just milking the lower league . it must be sorted out in 2020 . how do you get more quality @ reserve when clubs are signing high average riders and eating up vital points for team building ? maybe the do , but not enough to cover their costs of signing a big number 1 . British speedway R.I.P.
  6. i love that team to bits, looks like you have a 2020 treble in the bag already .. hope it comes off for the scorps and when its all signed , sealed and sorted for 2020 . i will laugh my man boobs off . go for it Godfrey . love it, love it , love it .
  7. isorry , i was not prying in your part of Glasgow speedways financial stuff . it was just a genuine question , that was all .
  8. when did you cease trading as a Glasgow co owner ?
  9. incorrect evidence submitted by the powers that be . acted on false information and could not be bothered looking at the video proof . putting craig in the clear . ...two penny company .
  10. we are all related , one way or another . how many fingers TJ ?
  11. its just the same as Edinburgh calling themselves Edinburgh when they are not in Edinburgh !
  12. i am not one to look at race times and i can assure you race time do not interest me . i love good honest , clean racing . was heat 1.. 5/6 seconds slower than the normal times ? i will prob look and see how times differ from a normal dry track , as to a wet one .
  13. i watched this meeting on EMTV.racing was poor . i can now see why Edinburgh is called a trick track . lots of dummy lines and i dont think i would pay to watch racing there ! i am sure lots of others love it , but its not for me . so thats two meeting on EMTV i have seen and nothing to write home about . BTW , the coverage was good and no smashie and nicey talking while the racing was going on . good idea tho .. would deffo pay for it on a regular bases if i wanted to see certain other teams there .
  14. by all means have two leagues , but make all those high end riders , ride in the top division ONLY , no more double up/down shot .while they are at it, compress the season into 4/5 months of non stop weekly action with all the shared meetings being done at the back end of the season . more clubs will survive and the agony will not be 7 months long !
  15. leave the lemmings alone tj . they dont like their feathers being ruffled ya know . (lemmings wid feathers) ,whatever next.... prob battered mars bars !
  16. the last meeting ! so you are not taking part in the classic Scottish cup meeting . maybe Berwick can take your place then .then again it would not be a full blown Scottish affair . good look in the semi tonight. but more luck to the revels/wyverns .(again) .
  17. thanks for remembering my name . have you posters of tj and myself in your bedroom ? is there any updates for this epic meeting ?
  18. four months of constant speedway , week in , week out . that what i want . get it all done in the summer. then they can concentrate on all the other stuff like pairs,fours champ riders final and all the other stuff that couldnt give a chuff about .. good luck to Glasgow tonight, hope they have not used up all their excuses not to run .better luck to the revels/wyverns .buckets and spades are welcome , but bring yer wellies just in case ... long live the comedy show that is speedway !
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