the answer to all these problems is, let the fans in through the gates after they have paid up. then play some crap music and let the mic guy attempt to butt in while the ref is going through his checks. lights n siren etc . then 2 riders have a race off over 2 laps (to cut down the waste of running a further 2 laps. no victory wheelie stuff. barbed wire instead of those flimsy tapes. new track records every meeting because the old records only last 48 hrs. punters back out the doors .we all go home happy and wonder what to do for the next 3 hours.
yea , lets cut out all the excitement and razzmatazz then we will all be satisfied ..
cut out all the overtime at YOUR place of work and live like we all should do... sad but happy knowing that we dont have to endure all those wasted hour at speedway meetings..