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Everything posted by jenga

  1. what about the other dane that does not belong to you ?
  2. leaking news from Newcastle............... you are getting 2 free slices of bread with your chips.........
  3. its a shame and a sad fact that Newcastle are unable to field a 4 man team from a seven man sport........... r/r and guest makes the sport to look even worst than it is already..
  4. panthers el in 2016, panthers in pl 2017, panthers in nl or non existent in 2018.. the pl wins all the time.
  5. and the help from some very good guests. now you are back in the room ! ! ! !
  6. bjerre twice the rider, twice the price. COOK ANY DAY. its funny how peterborrow fans are wanting a world beater because ully is out.. he wont be at p/borrow in 2016 either. maybe you can use a guest or r/r .
  7. so, no more havvy on sky spouting rubbish from hie hole. that is a total relief. cant see it lasting long tho. he likes to be inn the limelight most of the time. now we just need pearson and tatum to stop doing the same thing. its speedway , not a newsflash. calm down .. if it was exciting i would not mind. you can put lipstick on a pig , but its still a pig............
  8. or any one else s fans. bigger bank balance wins. enter glasgow.
  9. a guest in the 4s. whatever next. how many riders do newcastle have left to chose from ? or give the next team in line a shot.
  10. i hope you can stuff it up for next season as well.. keeps up somerset lovers some thing to moan about..... who is going to sort the team out next season, james may. er sorry, garry may. or will he be pulled away from that role ?. i hope somerset can bide by the rules and not twist them again.. but its speedway and all sorts can happen..,lol.
  11. i have asked this question on the 4s individuals topic aswell. what will be the entrance fee for this meeting now and will workington be running a bus to this venue.
  12. can anyone tell the fans who didnt go to the 4s @ peterborrow, what will be the entrance fee to see the final races please.
  13. somerset have asked to borrow the converter for the 2016 season team building , because their usual methods are unreliable.....
  14. so, with the first 2 riders in the bag. who is next i wonder ? lets keep sensible please . i am going to go for josh auty. yea i know its wrong, but it could be so right....
  15. dont worry, konopka will get a ride at peterborrow next season cos he is cheap and unreliable and wont break the soup remos bank balance .
  16. we won the 38 point club and the unbeaten at home record club , what more do you want, the league. ? L.O.L.
  17. lose wells , already signed for worky.
  18. one crazy workington supporter thinks the comets are going to join the N.L. in 2016 .with ricky wells and kenneth hansen in the top 5... obviously drunk ! ! !
  19. a few years ago, workington always built the team top heavy with a suspect tail.. seemed to help out most of the time though. always had decent results when the team was like that. teams just need to find that wee jem a reserve..
  20. blue and gold for me. a proper team, stuck to the rules and no fiddling. very unusual for them.. looking forward to seeing Mr mike hunt, er write his column on the victory..
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