also , if he has a polish team , signed but not riding with them on a regular bases . he can be called up through his parent club (poole) to ride in meetings at any time, as he was when he was at workington .
there are 2 meetings on i do BELIEVE .the one that mason is at is the rockhampton one riders include. kozza, josh g nelson . no more info @ the moment . confirmation via masons mech, , masons family and mason himself . i think steve whitehead is there too along with .cant find the meeting on the updates site . just bits and bobs from official comets site .facebook/twitter .
mason wins the meeting .
reading on the official, unofficial worky web site . mason campton has qualified for the final @ victoria this morning .therefore getting the necessary criteria to enable him to APPLY for a working visa in the uk. don't have any more details at the moment of final finishing order . worky fans happy .. SCB NOT .lol.
gaz still trying to put the batteries in the abacus . he can't find the compartment to put the batteries in. he will suss it out eventually tho. he,s good like that .
you forgot about the season he had with glasgow. so you were correct ..3 seasons .but when you have a season off in between the uk seasons . he hasn't been able to put a run together and gain the form that we know he has . so regarding the crap word . just what do you regard as crap , anyone below a 7 point average .? just asking .
when they are not getting vandalised by a small band of land huggers who want the land to sell on. they know who they are and we have an idea who it its that's doing the air bag vandalism etc
it seems everyone has a liking for the oak tree arena . especially when you lot are panicking .don't worry gaz will sort it out , like he has done for the last few years . the abacus has been repaired .
how long did charles wright ride for before he finally got some form ? give the guy some slack . apprenticeships are 3/4/5 years or longer . sometimes as long as a lifetime. looks like you are still learning , like the rest of us .
mason has a 5nt average for the coming season.
what , the upright version .
G.M. are bringing out a new motor for 2016 . its an eight valve jobbie .
four in the engine , two in the inner tubes and two in the radio .
yep , now i have seen the front cover of the book . that was the item i seen in the shop window. .......... the grey matter is still working !
no book in m moons book shop at the moment .
elite league dream is long gone for ipswich now , unless you get a really, really good sponsor who can throw money into the hole . those days are gone . its all about survival and nothing else .
did michael moon's book shop in whitehaven have this book in stock. i am sure when i passed the shop a long time ago , it was in the window. worth a try ,email, phone .i pass that way on friday , i will have a gander in . something like that is not on everybody's reading list .
did stewie swales get a reduction after being out for an eight year break and joining redcar . or were there different rules then ? find that out and that's your answer .