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Everything posted by jenga

  1. has Richard got any el team line up or is it back to the running track ?
  2. good news for the bears , now get the kus back on board.and i am sure he will have a good season with you .
  3. i thought max was still doing his studies in merica. does he have the correct visa criteria and dont merican,s come in on a 7 ??
  4. no need to worry about the track , it will be in the same condition its always in ,perfek !
  5. good effort from kurtz . well done . so sad to see the dummy masters sulking. poor attitude from him at the presentation . once again well done Brady and thanks for the coverage . pl is going to miss him .
  6. you were doing ok, until you put peter borough on the end .
  7. send them your e mail address and they will contact you . if it was so easy , we would all be doing it ... .patience please .
  8. a number 1 riding for number 7 money. blame it on mr denham . he was the root of the evil .
  9. i must listen to any announcement over the pa when the st john(s) ambulance is called for .
  10. also on other teams visiting , so that another 7 riders who may have other commitments . you are hoping on other team being able to fit into YOUR alternative race night .its a big ask .
  11. no.no.no. dyson not sent john, its saint john as in the st JOHNS ambulance . just when i thought you were getting the hang of things . ah well. onward,s and downward,s .
  12. the premier league fixtures get sorted this month , so it could be another few weeks before the final draft is issued to the clubs . then its only around 7/8 weeks before kick off . tight .. looking forward to lamberts first meeting @ workington in 2016 . it normally is the first meeting between the 2 clubs .will he turn up tho ? na . his mom will be washing his hair .lol.
  13. so poles can ride in the pl as long as they have a british licence . but can they use the uk licence to ride poland . then again they must be able to. so its something else . just seen your reply sk
  14. was konopka riding in Poland season just gone or just pl and another country .
  15. cant have poles in the pl. so coshcosh no go . looks like pk to me . no facility for big bear when missing for polish meetings . guest or r/r out of it as well . nl guest @ 1 for missing big bear ..so looks like borrowers take two .
  16. or maybe just doing the right thing ! i remember being at sheffield one year for the plrc and the meeting was held up while the doc was in the medical room with a rider and there seemed to be plenty of paramedics there to cover . OR WERE THEY JUST ST JOHNS ? BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARAMEDICS AND ST JOHNS . but both do a sterling job all around the country .
  17. anyhow , its good to see our cr4p rider doing ok in the season down under . we only need ty to get a bit of form and its all roses in the garden .
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