are i take it you dont have a tv to watch it on lol.
aye not the best from the cornets . we were worse than poor . no complaints from me . beaten by the better team on the night . shame about the signal/coverage breaking down . but thats life .
looking forward to Wednesdays meeting on sky . hope for a better advert for the pl on a better track . oh and a better signal .
so bach,s not back for this one . does not look good for friday fixtures or sunday , or thursday fitures . may get an odd tues fixture form him . does the pl ride on tuesdays ?
what happened to the black grippy shale that peter waite put down . it was supposed to provide extra grip for those that wanted it. 3rd bend alterations are very limited. ie ... deeper shale,smaller shale,bigger shale, no shale or moving the 3rd bend to the 1st bend. now thats an ides .
maybe going to widen the outside and do away with the snack shop . still hope its a good day weather wise and a good meeting for the kam er aas .narrow home win (sandbagger)
i can see a shock defeat here . m/bra carrying a few non producers in the team , while plymouth are a great looking team at the moment . palovara an ace in the pack at reserve for the divils .
who is that then it a mixture of kai laukenen (spelling) or kauko (kake) nemienan (nemo) (more spelling) i think it the latter . class @ worky in his day .
i wasn't taking a pop at the standard of racing. the meeting was good . its just the standard of the riders in the meeting .. i aint knocking the guys in it. just that where have all the proper British el guys gone ? way too many doubling up/down . i think next season , teams will only be allowed 1 d/u rider and try to get some of the top pl guys to move up on a permanent bases .
crumble, crumble , crumble .
he,s crashed , he,s crashed , he,s crashed . borrowers off the hook lol.
next question is ... can this be arranged when cookie will be available or more importantly . when will the east of England showground be available .
re arranged fixture = belle vue have priority over peterborough for cookie ..