whats happening now , are they putting ruts back on the track for the home boys ?
no . dont do many , if any away trips now .not even redcar , newcy . not bored with it, just expensive for travel etc . its still a decent sport .
you have more chance of seeing me there , than morrissey fan ..
i think the big travelling away support will only muster about 25 or so supporters .. the other 25 will be blue and white .... gaps starting to appear in photos of cash field stands etc . still more than us tho . but will they be able to remember their away defeat .????? (drunk in charge of a biro)! lol. loads of lolly ..
i dont mind a good thrashing you know. (wish i hadn't said that ) but seeing as the peterborough promotion can come up with any reason what so ever to call a meeting off . think i will stay at home . i,ve got punctures to fix .
isn't that a music festival ? ( Cumbria calling ) need a weather report as i am setting off now via the cycle ways .! got a puncture out fit for Sophie, in case i get lucky .