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Everything posted by jenga

  1. sheffield have that much ambition , that they ply their trade in the championship . still better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all . ah now i see it .... missed out reading between the lines ..silly me !
  2. here we go again , and therefore starts his championship debut on a 3.00. he has not met the criteria to gain a proper average, so is deemed to be a 3.00... not a 2.00 ..its easy when you read it out loud to yourself , it sinks in better .
  3. hot stuff in the last few weeks tho . got to say tho , those scores could be anyone of adams,matt , kenneth or rassers . and dont forget just how awful rene was away from home . but you have got to fill in the gaps where you can .
  4. not according to the official , UNOFFICIAL COMETS website . so that means anyone can have young dan in at number 7 .i think its in the 2017 thread . and that from a part of the worky team . but they say ALL new riders come in on a 2.00 which i think is wrong . we need to get this sorted asap from the bspa so who do you believe ?
  5. if your car is not running right , change it asap .
  6. so can a British number 7 rider from last year still occupy the number 7 spot in 2017 even if he gained an average over 3.00 .? this will be interesting
  7. the words hoping to include gives it away . never give up .........
  8. or a worse bottom end anywhere else !
  9. the ability to understand the twisted new rule and good reading skills ..Louis is correct in saying danyon hulme will come in on a 2.00 because i do believe he has ridden enough meetings in the old pl and gained an average of under 2.00 . therefore he comes in on a min of 2.00 the 3.00 point rule is for riders who have not done enough meetings to gain a proper average and therefore come in on a 3.00. have another good read of the articles that are on here .and read them both ways , think and see what you come up with .
  10. because its wrong .unless jpb has ridden enough meetings in the premier league to gain a championship average .and it is below 2.00 (say 1.55) then he comes into the championship league on a 2.oo the minimum for riders .. if he had not ridden in the championship , he would come in on a 3.00. if he had an average that was over 3.00 ( say 3.24) he would come in on that average 3.24 ...its that simple otherwise , whats the point in reducing team building averages to 40.00 and let newcomers into the league on a 2.00 average . nothing gained , still approz 42.50 .
  11. all newbies on a 3 , if you aint got an old pl average . you are a newbie (3.00) i suppose we will find out when its too late .
  12. have a good read of it bruv . thats the way i see it .
  13. that tweet is only referring to riders who have done the required meetings to obtain a true average but haven't gained an average over 2 , so can come in on a two point starting average in 2017 . the newbies into the new championship will come in on a 3.00 average .as long as they have not ridden the old pl before and not gained an average . its not hard , is it ? where as dayno hulme can come in on a 2..00 if he has done the required meetings and has not gained an average over 2.00 and not over 3.00 .......
  14. and no more than a good reserve or poor second string away . would be great for you at home but in the firing line away .
  15. a minimum of 2.00 . if jack smith had done enough meetings for a team and achieved a 2.45 average , he would start on a 2.45 average . now seeing jack smith did not do enough meetings to get a proper average , he comes into the new championship on a 3.00 . as all newcomers do . seems like that to me . any rider from 2016 who has not achieved higher than a 2.00 average , comes in on the minimum 2.00 or takes up his average of 2.00 or higher . red face for Louis .
  16. my cash is on a campton return ! a wee bit hot aroung workington in the last few meetings .
  17. thats how i see it as well. dont know how chris lewis sees it , but i think he is wrong . new riders (brit) come in on a 3.00. not 2.00 as mentioned by a lot of people . if thats the case of the 2.00 riders , the league has had its team building average lowered (40.00) , but brought back up to 42.50 by the 2 pointers new averages in theory ..... so why do it ? bet that took all of the first day up to come up with that one ...
  18. you may even find that dan bewley is eligible for the number 7 spot as well .after all , he is a young british rider. number 7s who come in on the 3.00 will get the benifet in 2018 when they can start on a 2.00 ..... i think .......... . even a simple rule has gone pear shaped .lol.
  19. so i take it danyon has completed the home and away meetings to get a true average and has not reached the 2.00 mark , therefore he is a 2.00 rider . now if someone could just put a link on here to prove danyon has an official average . is louis losing the plot or is it me ?
  20. he will be back with his parent club .
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