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Everything posted by jenga

  1. 3 pointers don exist , downgraded to 2 . two brits in the team , thats all you need . matt at 7 is eligible to occupy the 7 spot and with the reduction for brit riders.
  2. can someone remove this thread and place it in the correct section , or even better , delete it . revels are not in the championship now . they have moved up into a lower league .
  3. lets face it , they had lots to chose from ...
  4. thats going to be a cracking team , doh .
  5. please . not 2 pointers in this team .
  6. if if that team is correct , i will donate my body to medical research. while i am still alive .
  7. time to move this thread onto its proper premier spot . we have enjoyed your company while it lasted , time to move on . nothing here to see . move along folks to the proper section . bye .
  8. or rene , even tho he says he has not got a team in the uk yet
  9. thought lasse had signed for the borrowers .
  10. so in other word , we have bled them dry and now its time to find another s****r .
  11. his first words were , where is that big red button . god help the world now .
  12. cook inline for a worky return . how does that make you feel ?
  13. not working to ANY points limit scotsman . just pressing letters and numbers on a key board . just keeping it inline with all the other rules and stuff that the bspa seem to pull out of the bag on a regular bases . but not far away , apart from proctor . if he gets a worky ride , i will stop going !
  14. ya gonna have some team in 2017 , cook , holder kurtz kids ,harris garrity. have you phoned scott nichols and lew bridger yet .just remember you need a 2 pointer , or is it a 3 pointer at reserve ?
  15. will come back on a 5.00. and although he was in fine form towards the end of the season , his early form sorted out his destination in 2017, .
  16. no . proctor is at 2 . herei s the team tho cook , proctor wells,tj,matt adam and a 2/3 pointer fits like a glove in a tailors window .
  17. who got it off Louis ..... hope it works out for him ..
  18. ah well , cant argue with that then . but i do believe the wording from the bspa should have been clearer than it wase . but be prepaired for a few 1.. 5 against you home and away in ht 2 and poss a few uncertain heat results if you go down the route of running two , 2 pointmen at reserve while other teams run with tried and trusted reserves. bewley etc . r/r could cripple you .
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