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Everything posted by jenga

  1. why have a 1.4 conversion at all , when its all the same riders in the prem and championship .?
  2. and to those who thought i was talking about mason , well fished in !
  3. i had to go down the whole street to get the amount of fingers required . the abacus ran out of beads .
  4. yes ,we did read the first TEN words of your post . but the last ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN sure go a fair way to slagging him off . stop doing this please . long live mason mercury !
  5. good to see we all live in a perfect world . any chance of sorting the next newc missile from the north before trump does and blows us all to fook ?
  6. that will be 2 of them, being half ! i for one cant see the girls giving jason grief . where did this take place , on the start line in full view of the ref or was it as jason was speeding down the home straight and the girls were running beside him ( @ 60 mph ) throwing insults ? they are pleasant kids and enjoy their speedway and are keen as ( you know the word ) . so unless you heard or seen the gesturers the girls were giving jas .i dont think you are correct in your assumption . with regards to one away fan getting some stick 3 times from a worky fan , all i can say is he must have been unlucky and met the same fan 3 times . there are always bell enders at tracks , you just gotta deal with it and enjoy what you came to see . its like the time a kings lynn fan accused someone of throwing a flare at them . it was a stray firework from the display at the end of the meeting . we dont have money to burn . we spend it on essentials . i nave never seen a flare at workington speedway . maybe the kl fan brought it with them and it went wrong . thats another angle to look at it ! there will always be someone who wants to give an excuse as to why they dont want to travel somewhere . dont bad mouth the club or true fans . PS . mason and jba were close , but it was a racing incident . could have gone either way .
  7. matt willy and mason mercury , both having a good season so far . where are the knockers ? ooh err !
  8. i have tipped redcar to be in the mix come the play offs . a totally different side for 2017 . really strong with some top performers . the bears are a great side . as long as garrity and barker dont self destruct , they will shock a few this year . in including us on saturay ! there is going to be some good stuff going on , on saturday.
  9. tight meeting up at millionaires row . i can see archs getting a result , 1/2 maybe even 3 points . glasgow will need their wee gem shining for this one . ed,bra for the league ! no one else even close . but i have been wrong before . cant remember when tho ..
  10. what ! just popcorn and coke ? unless its the other coke , then i would say thats a good deal.
  11. as soon as i seen the redcar 7 at the start of the season i knew they were going to be a great side . no more a weak side . perks is a shrewd signing and it looks like they are all going to have a good season . enjoy this season bear fans as the bears are a different animal in 2017. they will push worky very close on saturday and may even win . has havvy lost it by having a good side this year ?
  12. err , that would be me . anyhow ,put yer radio on , radio 1 @ 00.25 am till oo35 am ( thursday ).eldest lads in a band called flynt . their debut single gets it first play on R 1. o joy .
  13. ok . but it would be nice if you were battering teams ,week in week out. wouldnt it .if i lived in or aroun glasgow , i would be there most of the time . the improvements the faccuus have hade for the good of the sport have to be paid for . me , i am happy with our stadium , team and management . the only thing i have against our lot is the program . its in tiny print . cant read jack . luckily we all know how the race system works. never been to your new home , maybe one day , maybe .
  14. calling that a major treble swoop is an overstatement , i havent followed nicks scoring this year , but he wasnt that good in the cumberland open classic @ the start of the season @ wucky . claus scores 15 points and then something happens? whats the real story ?
  15. if some glasgow fans feel as though they are not being entertained by that type of racing , they need to pick another sport to watch . perhaps ultimate croc wrestling ?
  16. you could be bang average when headinbra come calling next week . moanarchs look the team to beat this year along with redcar !
  17. this is comic book reading to all workington fans and others . its a good job workington are a side tipped to be in the bottom slots , otherwise you would have been murrddeered . as taggart used to say . rene is looking for a uk team !
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