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Everything posted by jenga

  1. apparently , yes a wee bit if dyslexia creeping in . speed read kennett for kenneth ! take it all back . well spotted . i didnt see it and i wrote it .L.O.L. whats all these straps doing on my shirt ?
  2. kenneths average above 9 , just cant get the brain in gear why ged would drop him then ,, me , i am happy with ty and the team , apart !
  3. workinton to sign kennett and K.K.H. ........... honest ! .. pits marshal @ newcastle told me it was on and ready .
  4. so am i ! we generally stick with riders , hence why we dont win nowt . but its speedway and it would not surprise me if we signed kennett , even tho he has only ever had 1 half decent meeting at worky . its the plaster caster tape dodger we need to offload , he didnt learn his trade in previous teams . always chancing the starts and now he cant gate at all i would like to see him make me eat my words. he should be able to do that with all that new shiny equipment he has . but he is out for a month and then there is time building speed up again that he never had in the first place .. hall , no ta . would luv to see kkh back , but we are not weak enough to fit him in .. maybe lambo !
  5. just wondering what other fans think of the team G.B. being picked from championship team members and if they are so good , why are they not plying their trade solely in the upper crust leagues . is this the sad state the the so called premiership (elite) league finds itself in ? and yes , i know we have one in our team !
  6. i would have thought it would have been 50/50 between ippo and peterborough . here cums a retaliation shot by the w*****s. think before you think you know what it is . its not what you are thinking !
  7. nor will there be or someones job in newcastle could be on the line . ( george carpet english )
  8. i think an awful lot of speedway fans have enjoyed richards riding style over the years , but it may be time to say farewell now .
  9. who said he was so good , not me . your comment seem to imply you like him as a rider or other !
  10. what was ged talking to shanes about , what he wanted in his lunch box ? seems to me that dicky is telling the truth and soup remo ged just says what he like to toss it off . my opinion only B.T.W.
  11. both teams rode ce4p at home and newc sneaked it by having the worst unridable track .L.O.L. luv some of those COMmEnTS above . . but life and speedway go on . just . just wondering how you judge a bike to be warm enough to be ridden ? 30 seconds or shorter or were you looking through heat seeking goggles ? different metals have different time scales to warm uo . alloy being quickish and the iron being time consuming . then ther is the time for the WHOLE of the engine to get to its expansion rates and then it may be ready to ride . so yea , go out on a bike and blow it up . sounds great to me . so who was the numpty that told the ref they would be ready in 2 mins ? even though T.J.s seat was still being hammered straight on the ground . official site says it as it was . not an observer from outside the pits ..
  12. secretary ! @ 97 . dont you mean . carer ? i take it @ your age you are a full time nappy filler .
  13. HEY jackofalltrades . masterofnone .. sorry A mean . jackofdiamonds . watching the poole/belle vue meeting last night ont telly , i thought it was being broadcast from rough park ! may as well have been . did ya see cookie bottle it , beat two number one,s twice . poole and (quiet now) peterborough , . SSShhh. dont you wish your riders could bottle it like that ? still looking out for that mason campbell guy .. learn to read or go to the meeting and read the programme properly .
  14. first of all , sorry for chopping your post a wee bit . so this new guy that workington have seems to have caught your eye . it would be nice if you could introduce him to the worky supporters ,as we dont have a ecking clue who he is . was he in the programme to ride or is it something that you made up ? anyhow , good luck in your further english education . ( stop speed reading )
  15. any worky fan would have put their house on an agg victory . but thats not how it panned out . any speedway fan should know that . still , onwards and downwards .
  16. i dont know if this has been mentioned before , but lambert was injured at newcastle on sundey and I.R.R. took his rides . there may be a late call uo for king if lambert is not fit enough .
  17. job well done by the puddy,s . helped along by hall and lawson . both counteracting each other out . ged breathes easier ! any chance of taking hall off your hands in place of sarj who has broken something ?
  18. you could see it wasnt going right for him in heat 13 . so the showman in him came out . much to the dismay of the few demonds fans . still a good rider .
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