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Everything posted by jenga

  1. he is that much of an agent , he even scored cr4p when he had a guest booking for ippo , some agent that !
  2. i take it you have not looked at sarj and his scores . jumps more times than . a kangaroo ! he will be lucky to score 4 points . if he does , it will be from 7 rides . he is frigging cr4p and thats when he is on form .
  3. that is something we fans dont have any control over . if it goes then i dont think it will be the first club next season .. ged may walk , bandits unsure , most clubs are on the brink . but that is not in anyones control . its all thanks to the people running speedway and a summer of no shoe speedway . bspa/scb have only themselves to blame ..
  4. more to the question , why is jack holder in the line up. does he not know its a sundey meeting and he should be in poland lol
  5. rained off eh , i cant understand why Glasgow didnt borrow Berwick.s track covers ! with the championship and the premier league both using the SAME riders , there is going to be a huge backlog of meetings trying to get sorted and all with the same riders . yep , doubling up and down really works .. and dont get me going on the loooong summer break when the sun was out and we had no meetings. but hey , all the other stuff got sorted meeting wise , didnt it ?
  6. i cant BELIEVE i have just read that ! just wondering if ippo fans can stand outside and wait for the workington meeting to finnish and then only pay to watch their own side race , and vise versa not too sure of that vice versa spelling (vise)
  7. i cant BELIEVE you dont know what team i support/enjoy .ask paulco . look at it this way . i support west ham , but i love man u getting beat . does that make it any clearer ? maybe its the same as celtic/rangers fan , without the fighting .. always enjoy my speedway paulco , win lose or draw . i know you enjoy yours .
  8. enjoyed now = support. whatever next . funny how you can read what is not there , but cant read what IS there !
  9. i do post about my team , try looking on the unofficial comets site . somerset and peterborough were the ones for 2016 . i dont mind you giving me shot , i can take it . last week i enjoyed the sheffield result , did you ? maybe you may get revenge on ThURsDay .
  10. wow , the tufty club are out in force . its not the fact that glasgow have been saved( is that the correct wording ) , its the fact that some glasgow fans are gloating at the fact that they see the faccu,s as a golden ticket to success and stability for the club . we all know that speedway is a money pit and its good money after bad. i can see where the faccu,s are cominfg from and they are trying to move the sport on in a way never seen before and probably never will see again . cheesed off at glasgow finding the bottomless money pit , probably . but thats the price of having a reasonable promotion up there . poole were the team that everyone wanted ,wished would flop and now it has turned to glasgow for some reason . falling out amongst team members and so forth . so do i wish glasgow success , yes of course i do . but just remember . you are there to be shot down like all successful teams . it is after all a forum where fans throw insults at each other and come out happy at the end of if it , isnt it ? almost forget , can workington make it two home defeats on the trot on thursday . not a bad time to catch the tigers at the moment . MON THE COMETS lol .
  11. davey is not too good in the championship , but could do well in the premiership !
  12. millions of kids , who is counting those . the faccus with their millions of £$£$£$£$£$£$ ?
  13. thats another £4 to go with the £5 from the previous meeting rain off. pretty soon ged will be paying punters to come through the door . torin cah evaporating into thin air . that cash aint going to last 5 years , unless he bails out . but hey . thats speedway for ya ....... remember glasgow fans ... peterborough DONT do refunds !
  14. yes your crowd will be bigger than most because glasgow GIVE AWAY loads of free tickets EVERY week . as was to us on the last glasgow visit to der want par k .
  15. no pull of his stripe , throw away his medals and break his sword in halp . a deserter of british speedway . ged let you know on the panthers website , didnt he ?
  16. can you tell me who will be in the southern league ? there will only be 8 teams in the championship in 2018 . top 4 from each ! not enough rider for one big league . wont work , cant work even one big league .. forget it .
  17. keep it going sheffield .really chuffed at this result .a great result at millionaires row .
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