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Everything posted by jenga

  1. looking forward (as always) to the first signing this week . lets get the name on the line up and its all aboard for the new season ...
  2. i dont think they are in for a tuff season . they have riders who can certainly spring a few suprises ot eoes .for sure . ( to quote a certain ex number 1) . bacon next .
  3. i remember scott coming to workington for a match race , it was quite cold and i dont think he completed 3 races . said it was too icy . miss scott on a c.l. tracks , nope . not me . promosed to come back and we are still waiting . took the money and run like !!!! .
  4. what time are the drums beating tonight . getting excited, well i am a closet fan ! what time is the word out tonight ? getting excited, well i am a closet fan ! ! ! !
  5. hope you get the 4 tiders you want and not the usual suspects . this peterborough thread , along with glasgow are the most entertaining threads on any speedway forum . they are the two i always go on , more so than workington ! the fans deserve a great team and the riders should respect the fans who are very supportive throgh the bad times as well as the great times . hope you dont pinch matt W .
  6. reminds me of a lewis bridger photo . whatever happened to him ?
  7. just a quick question , if the starting procedure is to be made easier for riders , how will they do that? as it cant really get any easier than what it is already . are the putting piano wire across the start gates or transponders on the start line ?y
  8. i do think sarj will up his average , but is it fair on the previous employer who hires him and then he sees his 5.5 man drop like a brick and then suddenly be in line on a bargain average ( wolbert etc) and then come out in the ss and say he will be on a bargain average for next season . its only a bargain avere if the rider KNOWS he WILL increase his points tally . his riding in blu n white was poor and his guest roles were outstanding . make your own mind up ..
  9. its not a problem to the ones that drink , its just the ones that cant afford it that have the problem . enjoy your toast .
  10. thats a bit harsh on people who come from small villages . where as i would not put people from glasgow in amongst the uk top alcholc group . already said sorry
  11. aye , prob right . posted that comment without thinking , so i am sorry about that .
  12. not a million miles away ! attack the post , not the poster . i am sure if i walk down the local cycle path i can find some dog stuff and ask you the same question .
  13. we knew last season at the start when laurs announced she would run in 2017/18 and after that , they would see ..
  14. aye 2017 is now just a distant memory . its nearly 2018 so lets move on ,as to quote someone !
  15. could you tell us all how workington treated their reserves was it non payment, verbal abuse or something else . you seem to know , but we dont at the moment royno was not a reserve when he left . rob shuttleworth was doing ok and craig and ty were helping him out with certain things ( starting etc ) rob left on his own cos he could not make it pay and continued to ride for the colts . pity , because he was improving until his crash . james came in and went downhill faster than a lead baloon . if you couldnt see what was happening , you must have been blind . but thats all water under the bridge now . so whatever went on with the reserves was their own doing , nothing to do with workington speedway . so come on MANSE , do tell us all just what went on with the reserves @ workington . dont be shy , your mother wasnt !
  16. will claus vissing be announced next week ?
  17. i think he is everyones friend at workington . it was soo obvious as to what he was doing after the first month . he just has to turn it around now and see how he goes . sarj has many friends at workington , just that they wont talk to him after the middle finger wave .
  18. is that because thet could not believe the rubbishe they heard in the first hearing ?
  19. the last away meeting was well worth waiting for ......
  20. well it will not bre a 2 point rider . looks like the rules have ruined it for most of the british young uns . to put a 2 pointer in your team on a 3 point average , he will have to be something special as you will be losing 1 point OFF the teams starting average righr away . i am goint to go for tango , because he has inproved eacj year and has put in some good scores in the 2017 season .. plus , he is a good lard !
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