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Everything posted by pawel115

  1. Yep languages are related all Slavic I noticed similar thing with some Scandinavian languages danish,norwegian and swedish are similar too
  2. Hello All ! Happy Easter I am using the same link as Alan really good.
  3. Got it here http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/wideo/zuzel-speedway-ekstraliga-wlokniarz-falubaz/4331187
  4. Tarnow too slick Leszno too grippy ill take grippy track over slick any day thou.
  5. i am watching on here nice http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/wideo/ekstraliga-unia-leszno-pge-marma-rzeszow/3796317
  6. Derby with Rzeszow should be good later in the season even if its boring on track it is usually very entertaining in the stands
  7. More often than not racing at Tarnow is usually not very good, very slick today next match should be better i wish Rzeszow would go back to just being Stal .
  8. i use this link http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/wideo/ekstraliga-tauron-azoty-tarnow-falubaz-zielona-gora/3796317
  9. It looks like some Falubaz fans overstepped the mark on Sunday: http://translate.goo...UppNIUAxpDR7-Ug Club president Robert Dowhan not entirely happy with his fans: http://translate.goo...QBge2CQnlyj-cSg Imagine if the "boorish" Batchelor pulls any stunts at 69 Wrocławska. Fans at Rzeszow ,especially home fans were behaving pretty badly on Sun too during that match with Gorzow sad to say that as i was born and raised there you could hear them yelling obsenities during TV telecast my cousin was also there i talked to him and he was pretty discusted it does not look good if they behave like this during derby match with Tarnow later on
  10. Brand new shale on track with different track geometry and elevated corners they just didt it on last week.
  11. here is link that I use http://sport.tvp.pl/zuzel/speedway-ekstraliga/wideo/ekstraliga-falubaz-zielona-gora-unibax-torun/4230579
  12. Next meeting in 20 min should be available on the same stream if not ill post links when it starts.
  13. My favorite British rider , great fighter never gave up it seemed to me like he was one of the most popular and liked Brits with Polish fans.
  14. I for one dont like the new silencers they just sound wrong and why do people complain about noise dont get that one at all its not like speedway started yesterday its been around for decades in Sweden and UK and people start complaining just now I lived in Rzeszow thats my home town track it is located fairly close to center of city, and no one ever complained because it was too loud or other nonsense like that and trust me you can hear if there is a match in large part of that city.You know the saying if it aint broken dont fix it.
  15. Marta Poltorak is fairly rich her company Marma Polskie Folie make polyethylene film they have over 800 employees.Rzeszow need to fix the stadium it is in pretty rough shape now http://www.nowiny24.pl/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Site=NW&Date=20100916&Category=FOTREPORTAZE&ArtNo=236696104&Ref=PH&Params=Itemnr=1
  16. 22 thousand pretty good ,Leszno city population 64 thousand so 1/3 of the city is at the track + falubaz fans
  17. better link to thet final match Unia-Falubaz http://drhtv.dbv.pl/viewpage.php?page_id=3
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