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Everything posted by pawel115

  1. Pretty much spot on explanation big well known national companies sponsor speedway and most cities put money into it too plus lot of venues are shared stadiums usually used by soccer or other sports(i think Wroclaw is US Football) for example this is wiki in English about major extraliga sponsor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polska_Grupa_Energetyczna P.S I worked night shift yesterday so was only able to watch Bydgoszcz-Rzeszow match and then fell asleep or i would try to contribute more over here during the matches that went on later in the day(Extraliga).
  2. Funny interview with Szymko they asked him if he can understand English and he said little bit but sometimes when Harris is talking to him he speaks slowly but when he heard Harris talking to Josh Grajczonek before the match he was wondering if that was still English. Nice ride by Chris.
  3. Sad news for sure he was my best friend over here and we use to chat quite a bit too bad we never got to meet in person. R.I.P my friend.
  4. Same here i subscribe to Wizja Tv its dirt cheap and great quality i chromecast it to my tv and love it cuts on frustration.
  5. Some if not most of those matches might be postponed weather is crappy with snow in some parts of Poland.Rzeszow had quite a snowfall just 2 days ago and they are predicting more of the same from what i read.
  6. Rzeszow have a crap team they have no money the team was assembled late after all the good riders already signed with other teams so they got leftovers that nobody wanted to sign and that is the team in a nutshell and Porsing excuses are joke you are either professional rider or look for excuses pathetic.
  7. I Use Wizja Tv i pay 10 pounds for 3 months and it works great saves you time looking for streams.
  8. Extraliga matches may be moved to another date now because of rain in forecast May 2nd is the date if all teams agree to it.
  9. Kinda unrelated but a cool drone 360 view of Rzeszow track press F for full screen and them use your mouse. https://www.facebook.com/dronrzeszow/photos/a.875583052498981.1073741828.875557539168199/1357445210979427/?type=3&theater
  10. For those who could not watch it live on TV or PC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MBYpd5a_Cg&t=185s
  11. Eddie was one of the best polish riders in history of this sport too bad he could not settle in life after speedway he struggled with alcohol for many years and was fatally stabbed to death by his second wife Katarzyna 25 years ago.R.I.P Edward Jancarz.
  12. I did not watch this but lots of complaints about the track conditions and Watt's performance fans seem very happy with Harris thou.
  13. April 2 - Poland - Rest of World Polsat Sport April 9 - Nice Liga Gdansk-Dauvgavpils Polsat Sport April 9 - E.Jancarz Memorial - nSport+
  14. Jack Holder will not ride in Poland at all this season without that statement those are the new rules end of story.
  15. Stealing or not who gives a s**t i honestly don't loose any sleep over that one.If i could pay for that service i would and since i can't i watch it any way i can- rant over.
  16. Polsat was the first tv channel that started to show speedway matches on regular base at the beginning of 90's they always do a good job at it so this is a good news.
  17. If its not a local derby(Gorzow-Zielona Gora,Tarnow-Rzeszow,Wroclaw-Leszni etc) just buy them before match btw ticket in polish is "bilet" to buy is" kupie".
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