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Everything posted by gypilgrim

  1. I wonder if Marek Cieslak was talking about Kolodzeij's prospects for a Wild Card for GP 2011 ?
  2. It's not even about nationality. It's about TV markets for BSI's "media partners" (ugh ! - horrible expression ) However, I think Sky would be better off focusing on Bomber and quietly forgetting about Tai and letting him concentrate on domestic leagues. "The Second Coming" hasn't really worked out, has it? All a bit too much too young for Tai this year. I'm sure that the Polish TV companies will be throwing money at BSI in the wake of Gollob's title, so it would make sense for Kolodzeij to take the "GB" place for next year.
  3. May be a daft question , but.... Scunthorpe have long since finished their season, so have all their riders effectively become free agents ?
  4. I've heard young Garrity being compared to great names of the past, i.e. Craven, Briggs and Carter. The one thing that I know these three have in common was that I did not see any of them ride "in the flesh". However, I know enough speedway history to think that if Jason comes anywhere near them he is a pretty good rider. Only time I've seen Garrity in action was August Bank Holiday ay Scunthorpe. He was quick and very determined, and made the inside line work at the EWR like no other rider I've seen there (PL or NL). His attitude and demeanour on the bike would best be described as "excitable". He is still at the early stage of learning his trade and is not as polished aperformer as, say, Tai was at that age. A rough diamond, certainly. If he gets good advice and knuckles down/stays focused he is potentially the best Britsh prospect I've seen in the last three years.
  5. All very follow-my-leader. Is this normal for this track, Ghostwalker ?
  6. Has Teemu given anything away about his 2011 plans ? If he's like Tero he will do nicely for the Scorpions.
  7. The eternal question: If there are no BSF posts about an event, did it actually happen ?
  8. The Hornets were just too hot to handle for the Saints tonight. Only Irving and Birks really took the fight to the visitors, the rest of the Saints were off key. Great team performance from Newport, all seven riders contributing. Hope that Tony & Buzz are Ok after their falls. Distinct lack of info from the PA, so I don't know any details of their injuries.
  9. Do the Heathens depend on Newport getting "nul points" tonight to get into the ply-offs ? At the risk of being re-directed to another topic, what is the mathematical situation ? Quite apart from the League ramifications, a scan of the team sheets would suggest that a tight meeting is on the cards. If it's half as good as the Buxton thriller we should all be in for a treat !
  10. Couldn't agree more about Sheffield. Until Scunthorpe completes development. Seriously, Sheffield hosted a World Cup round a few years ago, so must tick all the FIM boxes.
  11. When this meeting was announced in the Winter I thought that it would be one of the highlights of the season. Events conspired to prevent my attendance, but OMG, reading the comments has made me feel like I've had a lucky escape and saved myself a fair few quid. Rob Godfrey has made clear his ambition to stage FIM meetings at Scunthorpe some day. Please make it happen ASAP, please, please please Mr. Godfrey !
  12. What has transpired since I made this comment has done nothing to change my mind !
  13. This is the biggest question from yesterday. Why did Rye House use an over-qualified new rider ? On the plus side of the ledger is the use of a seven man-team rather than six plus R/R, which always seems to short-change the paying public, in a way. However, unless this was a one-off "guest" appearance, then Rye's motives require a full explanation pronto.
  14. I also hope that Marc makes a swift recovery. Nasty looking "high - side" after Benji slipped under Marc on Bend 3 and seemed to take the young lad by surprise. Get well soon.
  15. Although it was nice to see Tyson Nelson in the flesh (advance notices from the Sheffield forum members seems justified) WTF is he doing at number SEVEN for A National League team !?!?!?!? Madness.
  16. Is this the first time a Number 8 has skippered a side ? Also, having seen Steve and Ritchie side by side in a photo in this week's Speedway Star I wonder if Stuart Parnaby would ever contemplate a "switcheroo" if the opportunity presented itself ! (Only joking Stuart !).
  17. The Fjelsted qualifier looks to be the most competetive round, but if you can't get into the top NINE then do you really belong in the Grand Prix series ?
  18. 6pm local time so I think that is 5pm BST. I don't know about updates. Best of British luck to Jerran Hart. Does anyyone know if Josh Auty has made it to Slovenia ?
  19. Entertaining meeting. The track was nearly as good as Scunny last night.
  20. Thanks to everyone who answered my question. You can always rely on the Forum members to come up with the goods ! While I am glad to see the Slovenians show their commitment to this (in my opinion, very important) competition, I am a little concerned that the hosts of next year's final could not enter a team this year. Does anyone know the reason(s) for Russia's absence ? I certainly hope to make it to Rye House for the final in September.
  21. Does anyone know which countries will compete in the Gustrow Semi Final ? The Pilzen semi is on the FIM site as being between Australia, Finland, Poland and the Czech Republic. I assume that, at Gustrow, Germany will compete as hosts, and that Denmark and Sweden will be there, but who will make up the numbers ? Thanks in advance.
  22. Does anyone know the DOB for Alex Davies, please ?
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