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Everything posted by wotnoaj

  1. I'm talking about the guys who are calling him an embarrassment or finished or whatever. I just don't think it's necessary. As I said earlier, I've no problem with people having the opinion he's not GP standard and if people want to speculate about the reasons for his form then fine, that's the point of a forum. I just don't think it's right when people have to go OTT and have personal digs, they wouldn't do it to his face.
  2. Why should he? It's his choice, he doesn't owe anyone anything. When did he ever say " I don't need EL Speedway "? I don't remember seeing/hearing this anywhere.
  3. Does that give people the right to be verbally abusive about him? Not in my opinion.
  4. I don't think it really matters does it Blaze? Only he knows what a sucessful season will be for him and as for proving himself, he doesn't need to prove himself to you or me. Let's face it, no matter what he does, some people will jump on every miserable time that he has because some like having a pop at easy targets. Very brave.
  5. I feel for Scott as the guy has made a genuine attempt to better himself. He's had an awful start to the season and inevitably people are going to use missing the Elite as the reason. The guy's confidence is obviously shot to pieces and I would say he is probably feeling quite low at the moment. I think it says a lot about the character of the man that he is willing to keep fighting and not take the easy route out by quitting. Unfortunately, there seems to be a few people who want to wallow in his misery and want him to fail so they can say I told you so. In other words, kicking him whilst he's down. This is not an "I love Scotty" post, to be honest I don't really have a favourite rider. I would feel sorry for anybody who has made attempts to better themselves, their career or family life and have it go wrong. My instinct is to help people when they are down, not be cowardly and stick the boot in. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you believe Scott is not good enough for the GP's, fine, say so by all means, but why the unecessary remarks like - he's an embarrassment, I was embarrassed to watch him etc. He's the one going through the turmoil and feeling the pain, not to mention the expense, so to make those kind of remarks says more about the person making them than it does Scott. On a different thread, I said I felt Bomber wasn't up to GP standard. I didn't however, make any nasty or spiteful remarks about him. I would love to be wrong! I'd quite happily come back on here and admit I was wrong! I certainly won't come on here if he has a bad meeting to gloat. I keep seeing remarks such as - he shouldn't be in the WC squad, he shouldn't be captian, he shouldn't be allowed to compete in the British Champs etc - but I haven't seen a single reason as to why! I've seen "he's turned his back on Britain" spouted a few times but I cannot understand what that is supposed to mean. Do people think he owes us all something? Every one of us has the freedom to choose our career path and if any of us want to better ourselves or be with our families more or whatever, we can do so. Please someone explain why he should be any different because I cannot understand why.
  6. Now that's an idea Ron, veiwing figures would triple!
  7. The man is a fantastic rider, his World titles don't lie. The problem with Nicki is and always has been, is the way he conducts himself. That's why the guy struggles to get peoples respect. He was at fault on saturday, the referee got it right. Nicki thought he would get away with it because he usually does. Cardiff last year was the perfect example and even then he did not have the balls to admit it was his fault. He seems worse when under real pressure. When Crumpie was staging a comeback last season he was accusing Crump of going down easily and then took great delight in showing the TV cameras how he felt when Crumps bike packed up in the penultimate GP final. I'm sure he's not too bothered what we think though, as The Dean Machine says, he's not here to make friends.
  8. Something has to be done, I can't remember the last time I watched a GP and not heard the riders say how slick the track is and how its completely different to practice. What's the point in practice in the first place? I've always thought Ole sets the track up with certain riders in mind. As Speedway fans we want to see racing at its best, that means grippy tracks with more than one bloody race line. The same guys will be in the mix but it will be a lot more entertaining and we may get more than two guys fighting for the title.
  9. I agree that if he feels he can be World Champ then he's certainly kidding himself. Personally, I think he is targeting automatic qualification. On current form he is certainly going to struggle to do that. I still admire the guys attempts to improve himself, it can't be easy when things don't work out and his own countrymen are just dying for him to fail so that they can say I told you so. If it is a season of embarrassment, then it will be embarrassing for Scott, no one else. His Polish form is also poor and I imagine the guy is probably very down at the moment. If he battles through, I think it will say a lot about the man. Lets face it, if he walks away from the sport he would be ridiculed by many for not having the balls to keep fighting, so he can't win either way.
  10. Sure Ron, what I meant was his decision to miss out the Elite as some think it has a bearing on his form whereas some dont, at least that's what I was trying to say.
  11. Earlier on in this thread I said I felt Scott was good enough for the GP's. I stand by what I said because I was going by his previous finishing positions, usually top 10. However, he has got off to a dreadful start and I feel for the guy because I believe he's made a genuine attempt to improve his performances and it has not paid off. At the moment he clearly is not GP standard. I'm not certain that missing the Elite is the cause for his bad start, I feel the whole does/does'nt a rider need to be in the Elite is purely psychological depending on the rider. Hans feels he needs to be there but look at Crumpie, he seems to be fine. Hancock and Gollob dont need the Elite and Pedersen is defending World Champion. One thing is certain, Scott looks like a broken man out there at the moment, his confidence is shot to pieces. I remember a similar thing happening to Rico the last time he was in the GP. I personally felt sorry for the guy last night (and Rico when it was happening to him), I certainly didn't feel embarrassed. I don't understand how you can feel embarrassed by someone elses performance, he's the one going through the defeats, I'm sure he feels a lot worse about it! I still hope he can sort his problems out as he has made genuine (rightly or wrongly) attempts to improve when a lot of others would have given up.
  12. I'd like to keep Jason Crump as my Captain please. Many thanks.
  13. I'd like to stick with Jason Crump as my Captain please. Many thanks.
  14. Sillystar, I can't speak for everyone else but I can't understand how having the opinion that Bomber isn't good enough means they are 'slagging him off'. I always want him to do well and always cheer him and Scott on. I like the lad, he seems like a real nice guy and it would be great if he suddenly started getting good results. Unfortunately, I don't think he is good enough. That doesn't mean I'm 'slagging him' , it's just my honest opinion, which I feel is realistic. I've not made any derogotary remarks about him. I've not based my opinion on the strength of one GP, I posted the same opinion before the GP started. No bandwagon hopping here, I make up my own mind. I'll still be wanting him to do well on Saturday, like I do every GP.
  15. It's not about sticking the knife in sillystar, I just feel he's not good enough, sorry for having an opinion! I want all the Brits to do well and of course I was happy for him when he won the Brit GP but in reality he has been poor ever since, last year was a shocker. I've already said that I feel Scott is good enough for the GP's so I've no need to give him a break. I'll be supporting both of them throughout the campaign because I beleive in backing you're own guys and sincerely hope they do well. The question was wether Chris is good enough for the GP and unfortunately I don't think he is, it doesn't mean I don't support him or want him to lose to prove me right, I want the guy to make me choke on my words. If he proves me wrong I'll be the first to gladly admit it.
  16. That explains that then! Still, there are plenty who could have taken Harris place. Dont' get me wrong, I don't dislike the guy but he just isn't good enough.
  17. Fair enough Gemini, the Aussies were a bad example! I was just trying to emphasise that you should be able to represent you're nation no matter where you ply you're trade, should have thought of a better example! On AndyM's post, I do feel Scott will turn the GP's in if he doesn't make the top 8 this season. I really hope he can make the top 8 though, the guy has bags of determination and obviously has plenty of desire as he is trying everything to find the consistancy he lacks.
  18. No Harris is not good enough. His place should have been taken by Chris Holder in my opinion. Don't agree Harris/Nicholls should be left out of SWC team, they are our best two riders and are not exactly knocking on the door of retirement. Riders like Woffinden/Bridger/Kennett are going to get their chances so long as they are in good club form. As far as the rest go, who else is there? Steady has had enough chances. As far as the other youngsters go, Barker,Haines,Auty etc, I just don't think they are going to be good enough unfortunately.
  19. I understand you're point Gemini but don't see what the problem is with it. Of course money is playing a part but that's not the be all and end all of it. To be fair, I don't think I've heard Scott say that money was not a factor. He feels that riding in three leagues and the GP's was just getting to much, especially with time being spent away from the family. Basically, something had to give to enable him to feel fresher for GP's, see more of his wife and daughter and still earn a decent living. As it's well documented that more money can be earned in Poland and Sweden, missing the Elite league was the obvious choice. Why should that choice effect his position within team GB or the British Champs? There is no logical reason to suggest it should. It is HIS choice and he's entitled to it. You and me can make choices about our careers or family, why should he be any different? He doesn't owe us anything. Should all the Aussie's not be alllowed to ride for their country?
  20. I do agree with you AndyM, I also feel Tai will be a more accomplished rider in the long run. He did have a mechanical failure at Lakeside but he also looked uncomfortable, especially up against the more competitive riders. The track wasn't great, not helped by a practice session in the afternoon I believe and is a technically difficult track anyway. Bridger seemed totally at ease with the track and looked confident throughout. I'm a big Woffinden fan and as I said, I do believe he has a great career ahead of him, he just needs a bit of polishing up and he should be a future GP rider. With Bridger, I thought he was excellent at Lakeside and is a great talent, but will he keep it up? I hope so for his sake, but he does seem to have a habit of self destructing. If he can sort out his attitude, get advice from the right people and keep his head down, he could be a GP contender. He's made a great start to the season and seems to be doing the right things, so I hope he proves people like myself wrong and keeps it up this time.
  21. I watched Woffinden at Lakeside on friday. He is not ready for the GP's yet. He was very fortunate to have made the final, he wouldn't have done but for a huge slice of luck. His composure was not good at all and the occasion seemed to get to him. Give him time and I'm sure he'l get his chance. Hopefully Bridger can continue his fine start to the season and start living up to standards we know he's capable of, he was certainly head and shoulders above the rest on friday, probably the most composed riding I've seen from him.
  22. I think its a bit premature to start writing people off or bigging them up after just one GP. Scott bashers are already out and yet he wasn't the only one who didn't make the semis, Hans didn't exactly shine either.
  23. Spot on there spook, Olsen tracks are a disgrace time and again. I can't remember the last time I didn't hear a rider say that the track was totally different to practice! It also seems that the big tracks are ultra slick, making for poor racing. Was pleased for Emil tonight but on the whole I didn't think much of the GP as a spectacle. On the Nicholls/GB issue, I don't get the whole 'he turned his back on Britain' thing at all. It doesn't matter where he decides to ply his trade, thats his choice for his reasons. He should be in the British championship because he's British. The idea of the competition is to decide who is the best British rider, not the best British rider who rides over here. If the guy feels that missing the Elite will help his chances in the GP and help him to see more of his family then thats his choice. Every one of us has the freedom to decide whats best for us or our careers/family, why should he be any different? We go to watch speedway, we pay our admission to see the riders race hard on the night. I think it's fair to say that he always raced hard in the Elite for whoever he was riding for. He doesn't owe us anything.
  24. I've got no problem with you're opinion Snyper, you're as entitled as anyone. Some believe he should be in the GP's, some don't, simple as. I'm realistic, I know he won't be World Champion and is unlikely to trouble the top three. I don't think that's enough to rule him out though. There are several riders in the GP that realistically won't trouble the top three but the competition wouldn't be as good without them. I'm off to watch the U 21's now, hopefully there will be future GP star in the making on display.
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