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Everything posted by wotnoaj

  1. I think that was more of a 'thing' against Poole at the time to be honest. My point Grachan is that some people are only concentrating on Scott because they don't like him, no other reason. If he had been there, I'm quite sure that some would have said he shouldn't be there, that he should let Bomber get on with the Captains job, that he shouldn't be offering advice when he can't win himself, that he's having a bad effect on morale etc etc.
  2. I didn't see Joe Screen there either but I don't see anyone mentioning that. I wonder why? The only people whinging about Scott not being there are the ones who can't stop slagging him off. If he was there he would have come in for some kind of stick because those who don't like him would have just posted some negative crap about why he shouldn't have been there. There are a number of possiblitys as to why he wasn't there. Until we know the reason, no-one should presume to know everything about it and slate him. The simple fact is none of us know, so how can we say he was right or wrong?
  3. Absolutely spook, it is the British disease isn't it?
  4. Fair enough if thats what you think of him but I can't say I've seen it. Met/seen him a few times. Always been polite, had time to say a few words to people, be nice to the kids etc. Not been any different to any other rider in the pits. To be honest, theres been others who haven't been so nice but I'm not going to name them, maybe they were having a bad day, I can't say for sure because I don't know them. I just think people read too much into every action. Once people get a thing about someone, they tend to jump on everything and see it only one way, a bit like the ones that laid the blame of the Cardiif punch up squarely at his feet. I saw a post on here a while back now, can't remember who it was but they described an incident that happened after a GP. Apparently someone had been robbed and lost pretty much everything. Scott, after having another nightmare GP, stopped at the hotel to see if there was anything he could do to help the guy. Not too bad an attitude shown there. As I say, I'm not a Scotty fan, I've posted on other threads that I feel leaving him out of the GB squad was the right thing to do and I wouldn't bring him in for the Polish rounds either.
  5. No I'm not a Scotty fan, I don't have a particular favourite to be honest, just riders I like to watch. I'm only sticking up for him because I think he gets a lot of uncalled for stick. I would do the same no matter what rider was involved. I just find it odd that people can make judgements about people they know nothing about. I understand that not everyone likes everyone, there are riders that I'm not mad about but I don't look for every excuse I can to have a dig and I give them credit when it's due. Yes I've seen Scott get the hump or spit his dummy out as you say, but I've also seen a lot of other riders do it. I don't think theres anything unusual about that though, we all get frustrated when things go wrong, I know I've spat mine out occasionally! I've seen Greg the grin spit his out!
  6. You know what they say about a man with big feet..........................................big shoes!!
  7. Not everyone will assume he's having a hissy, only those who want to believe that to be the case.
  8. Brownie points from who? People who just cant resist having a poke? Wow, what a missed opportunity! If he had been there I reckon there would have been postings that he should have stayed away and let Bomber do his job, or saying that he has nothing to offer as he cant win a race himself. He cannot win either way. Who knows why he wasn't there. Maybe after having such a poor season and getting dropped from the World Cup team he was/is feeling pretty bloody miserable and maybe being at the World Cup was too painfull. He may have instead stayed at home, well away from anything to do with Speedway. He may have used the opportunity for a holiday with the family. What a selfish man he is if he did do any of these things though; he should know by now that he should only be making decisions based on getting brownie points from those who have stuck the boot in, silly man. Doesn't he realise all these people know him personally and know the reason behind every decision he makes. He might have been asked to stay away. He might have chosen to stay away. He might be sulking. He might be hurting. At the end of the day, none of us know.
  9. Credit where it's due Buster, you produced one hell of a race track tonight, let's hope notes were taken.
  10. What a suprise! Another thread hi-jacked to have a go at Scott. Nobody, including you or me, knows the reasons for Scott not being there, so lets not assume anything.
  11. I would just like to come on here and say that I've just eaten the biggest slice of humble pie and enjoyed every minute of it!! I was one of those who thought Danny King should not have been riding tonight. Danny, I apologise and thanks for the pie! I was expecting Bomber to be our most consistant rider, with Tai and Eddie being the next best two. I thought Danny and Lewis would be the strugglers, I couldn't have been more wrong. Hats off to the lads, they were always going to be looking to secure 3rd but they got in there and mixed it. Big decisions to be made for the race off now. I automatically assumed Danny would be making way for Rico but I reckon the lad has won himself a place in the team for thursday; Eddie may be a bit worried though. What a fantastic meeting it was tonight, some brilliant, brave, hard core racing on a proper racing track. Lets hope for the same in Poland, it would be criminal to serve up a crappy slick track after tonights spectacle, we can only hope. Well done and credit to Rob Lyon, I doubted his selection thinking that our youngsters were going to be well beaten. I hold my hands up and say I was wrong.
  12. Just don't go grasping a beehive or you really will be in trouble!
  13. I agree with you Snyper. I mentioned on another thread last night that I think a sub should be allowed to take the place of an injured or underperforming rider, just as happens in any other team sport I can think of. No one can complain if its the same for everyone. Good to see you back by the way, now behave yourself!
  14. Uh-oh! Round two, I'm staying well out of this!
  15. Good point Spook, when you look at it that way it makes the success of Aussie riders stand out even more.
  16. I thought that it was Darcey Ward who broke his ankle last night. Has it happened to Watt aswell?
  17. I see that Davey Watt has stepped in for Schlein. Still leaves the Aussies looking strong throughout, could go all the way this time. Blimey they will be hard to live with then wouldn't they!? The Ashes and the World Cup, BFD will be in his element!
  18. Don't get me wrong Henry, I'm haven't formed my opinion on the basis of what happened tonight. I do remember the Danes moaning about the Poles replacing an under performing rider. Again though, in most other team sports, you can replace an under performing member of the team with a substitute. I don't see why Speedway has to be different, it would be the same for everyone. It would surely be much better than seeing races with only three riders.
  19. It's probably been said already but I think it's crazy that there isn't a sixth member of the squad to come in for an injured rider. All other team sports have substitutes to bring in if a member of the team is hurt. It's just another thing that makes Speedway look a bit amateurish as a spectacle in my opinion.
  20. Whoever was at fault, I just hope Nicki makes a quick recovery. What a performance by Russia! Didn't see that coming to be honest, let's hope our lads are inspired. Maybe they cheated and had oversized engines!
  21. I dont think that people are necessarily 'not getting it', I just think that not everyone agrees with RL's strategy. They are entitled to do so. I will say that I wish the lads all the best and hope for a good entertaining, safe World Cup.
  22. Oh he is good enough, just not young enough apparently.
  23. Whether its right or wrong, we all know that Brits will be given wildcards for commercial reasons. I think Bomber will get one and out of Tai and Eddie, I'd go for Tai.
  24. I don't think Emil deliberately tries to fence or hurt anyone, but he does need to learn from this incident with Hans. I think the kid is a revelation and is great to watch as he is so desperate to win. On many occasions now though, I have been watching and wincing as he has come perilously close to wiping other riders or himself out. I think the kind of incident that happened with Hans was waiting to happen. Lets hope he does take it on board because in all honesty, Hans was lucky to get away without a serious injury or worse; the next rider might not be as fortunate. Hopefully experience will help him. I dont want the lad to stop racing for every point but at the same time riders need to be able to trust each other.
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