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Everything posted by castrolargh

  1. No thanks, cant see us winning anything with 3 reserves!
  2. i would be very surprised if we got chris kerr, especially if he is still on 5 . something.Surely brum will want him back at that?Be a good signing if not.If it fits, would like to see something like doolan, tt, royno,lasse, schrammy,kozza, darren(Or lambo if darrens average wont fit)MAybe linus instead of kozza, but as stated earlier, can he be relied on, or was there an agreement to let him go home this season after 11 meetings with a view to the coming one if they knew he was going anyway?
  3. yea why not, thats what happened to me on a chat room not long ago, the mod was blatantly a Poole supporter and i got banned just for missing out the le from poole , he got the ump, i got banned.Pathetic.Poole supporter.
  4. How about a series of rounds , starting off early season in individual countries, lets say quarter, semi and fina., For arguments sake lets use britain as an example, so british quarter finals , british semi finals, british final, then move on and incorporate the most succesful riders from ,um, over seas maybe and call it, um, the "overseas final", after that , bring in some riders from different continents and call it, err, how about the "inter continental final", and the "continental final " for most of europe. By doing this, every rider in the world, through qualifying would have a chance on the big stage to ride against the best riders from all over the world, the whole series could be topped off by one big event, say , maybe called something grand like "the world final" where the winner couold be called "world champion". That might just work........
  5. Quite unbelievable article to put in your own programme.How do you like your grapes mr ford? Sour by any chance?Have a bit of dignity and take a leaf from your captains book, be gracious in defeat for once.Yes, you probably had the strongest team all season(apart from the play off final!), but one that was assembled using the farcical rules on averages, and hey, guess what , so did coventry,BUT THEY BEAT YOUR TEAM HOME AND AWAY, GET OVER IT.
  6. "what a shambles" "what a disgrace" What a flippin load of old tosh! Rye house Rockets, and to a lesser extent, Cobras, are len silvers BUSINESS at Rye House, the fact is, the nl matches were booked in it would appear, when there was a blank in uncle lennies fixture list.Due to some diabolical summer weather and an extended run in the young shield, where the rockets running is a must for the competition to be completed, that gap in the fixture list has been removed, possibly just put back.Can anyone honestly expect the track at hoddesdon to stand up to 2 days of racing, without running the risk of people moaning that the nl competitions had to make do with a second rate track cos its only the nl. Another point, how succesful, especially in current financial climes would it be to expect people to put their hands in pockets 2 days in a row to watch speedway, cos lets face it i guess a decent proportion of the crowd would be rye fans anyway. "what a bunch of moaners"
  7. well i have seen read some drivel before , but you really do put yourself across as a snobbish condescending prick with all this preaching about PL tracks not deserving to hold this meeting.Hope the humble pie didnt choke you .Fall on his sword after getting beat by half the poo team!!!! yea right dream on shovlar.
  8. All joking aside, it cost me less to buy a family ticket for the world cup than it did to buy a family ticket for peterboro on friday!4 quid less actually .
  9. Well done the young stars!Good to see james brundle furthering his pl/el career once more.Good luck to matt ford et al
  10. maybe they never raced together but be good to see schrammy back, and with ty and olly they will not be short on fire power , and with millsy looking to impress anyone who may offer him a team slot, lambert and brundle not exactly strangers to the na and ashleys bro in the side i reckon it will be closer than a lot of pl meetings we will see this year.
  11. omg i dont believe it, forced to agree with S S, too right bomber has had his chance, if anyone deserves a crack at it based on league form it has to be rico, nichols, no, not after last season, needs time away from gps to re stock
  12. YUP, no doubt about it, if it was held at the NA, tom and darcy would have had an excellent chance of winning, but if they had, it would have been a case of "home track advantage" which would detract from their success, posted the comment after the final, but was typing with 2 fingers DURING the final!!! . I may support lynn, as they are my local team, but was raised on crumpy led swindon teams, but i am a fan of speedway, with all the muck that has been slung in recent months about average fiddling etc, hold super 7s on neutral tracks, then the cynics have no arguments. Dont mean to take anything away from the team at the OTA, its a great track, but the way things are, any hint of bias wil be pounced on and blown out of proportion. Oh yea , seeing as its GP weekend COME ON BOMBER!
  13. will say this before the final so no chance of a sour grapes comment, i have no doubt somerset have one of the best tracks in the country but would it not be prudent to hold the PL pairs on a neutral track, and if its friday before the gp lets say swindon for geographical reasons, and EL pairs on a neutral track say brum or kl as last year . or wherever. could be no chance of comments such as, ah well they only won it cos they were at home, not they won it cos they were the best pair on the night. looks like the final was run as i was writing, well done brum, glad jason fit for the final
  14. cant condone the lynn"fan", cheers idiot, thread locked . hope jason ok, took my kids to the pits at the na last yr. stopped to have a word with them, top bloke and a credit to speedway irrespective of what colours he is wearing. jonno in the fence, 1st bend, all 4 back, hmmm sounds familiar!!! COME ON BRUM
  15. think i saw somewhere, kl legends team is olly allen, rusty, adam allott, millsy, kevin,darren mallett and , umoh yea, "rambo" had to think then, difficult i know
  16. closest he will be getting to riding at cardiff on a gp weekend for a while!! :lol:
  17. same as last yr i guess, lynn didnt qualify due to ht15 results in the premier trophy, meaning topinka and doolan not there, and i think tbh it was potentially a poorer meeting for the lack of a couple of pl big guns, taking nothing away from the riders there, but all teams should be represented in a competition like this, same with the pl 4's
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