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About castrolargh

  • Birthday 05/26/1968

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    kings lynn

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  1. I was there too,hi oh was so good to watch, proper heart in mouth stuff
  2. Can only see in Poland where visibility is " less technical" and would put less pressure on a poorly eyelid, not having to blink as often
  3. I agree with most of that apart from your assessment of Anders Rowe. Last season he may have only had a couple of outings out of reserve but he was still regularly beating opposition no 6 and second strings.
  4. I'm surprised you've got PuK averaging less.He finished this season much better than he started and if he stays fit he could up it a bit i feel
  5. I'm not sure you are right about heats 13 and 15, at least I hope you're not .There are 6 riders in the team that ride lynn very well, we only need one of them on top form each week to draw those heats ,or 2 from 6 for an advantage. True there are no big names but there are some very capable riders in that team
  6. Very risky naming the full team before the AGM has finished. Anyone remember how Coventry and Peterborough got shafted a few years ago
  7. Brilliant idea Trees, I'll put in a tenner. By the way can we back date it to 2018 please
  8. Another brilliant podcast guys and highly entertaining .Rob made me laugh regarding paddy,and the quiz was a stormer. Hoping to get my arse in gear next season with a favourite 1 to 7
  9. If Anders wants to ride for the stars next year it would be a travesty not to offer him a place
  10. I heard the same, but I think that was for '23
  11. I'm fairly sure that the 25pc discount on a rider leaving the rising star scheme is only applicable to the team he was the rising star for, to stop clubs reaping the benefit of others work
  12. The late, great wilkie has a reputation as a problem solver
  13. Ryan Fisher could be a little " robust" at times and although it was a while ago I seem to remember Tim Hunt and Preben Eriksen being the same. I'm pretty sure Troy Batchelor had something to do with Jason Crumps nasty accident ,although he's certainly not one of my favourite riders which may have skewed my judgement a little
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