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Sprog1 last won the day on May 31 2012

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  1. Since he increased his average and had his best season ever it feels pretty good.
  2. Let's hope Kasprzak's "back injury" doesn't trouble him next year.
  3. Sorry you are right and I stand corrected. They were buying him but his injury seems to have halted the process. I think its now watch this as he seems to have signed for next year so presumably the full purchase will start when his leg is know to have fully healed.
  4. I agree. In fact they don't need to travel around. They only need to look at the score sheets to know where the talent is. if certain promoters can dig out the emerging talent from Sweden, Poland and Denmark, they should have no trouble at all in finding who are the talented juniors in out own country. Not only are most promoters not interested in that level of speedway, as you say. but they find it easier to pay a lot more money for the ready made article from abroad rather than do a bit of work in developing home-grown riders. The trouble is, having spent a fortune on young foreign mercenaries they then moan about the amount of money they are losing each year. Why ? Isle of Wight could have signed him if they wanted to but they have limited finances. Under this arrangement the Islanders still keep their rider for at least another year for very little initial outlay. Far better that Adam goes to a club where he will get the benefit of being with experienced riders, and learning a lot more about things like set-ups far more quickly. Its more than just a perk. The promotion also have to have a policy of signing young British riders. Its more than just a coincidence that Rob Mear, Marc Owen, Shane Hazelden, Ritchie Worrall, Jack Kingston and now Adam Ellis have all finished up on Lakeside's books.
  5. They could fit Kennett in even on a 41 point average and still include Mear, Sedgmen, Nilsson and Worrall. Stuart Douglas likes Ed and he would fit in personality wise but as I said in a previous post I think the problem would be Dave Kennett who seems to be a thoroughly obnoxious individual who seems unlikely to have a positive effect on team spirit. There would have to be a lot of kissing and making up to do before Kennett senior came back in the pits even though Ed himself would probably be accepted by the crowd after a couple of meetings despite the silencer issue. I think there are probably a few names on the list ahead of Ed though. I just hope its not Bjarne.
  6. Not sure if its completely finished but it seems to be more or or less ready. I did hear that Jon Cook took a bike up there and did a few laps recently. I guess the training school should be up there by next season.
  7. Justin has been using one of Dave Watts engines so what ever was wrong it wasn't the engine !
  8. I think it goes without saying that Sedgie will only be back subject to getting a D/U position with a PL club not least because its been proved enough times that you can't earn a living on a 3-4 point average in the EL alone. He is a bit erratic but he has beaten the likes of Hancock, Lindgren and Smolinski at times and at 20 years old you don't normally expect consistency. The bottom line is that when you look at the trouble some clubs have had with low averaging reserves Sedgie is as good as the next man on his sort of average and personally I would rather stick with him at than get some unknown in, especially as Dave Watt definitely brings the best out of him. A winter riding in Oz with Davey can only help. I know what you mean about Rob. Sooner or later he will have to do some extra meetings, possibly continental open meetings if he is to improve. but riding with his injuries this year have kept his average down a bit and back at full fitness he should be capable of a slight improvement next year. Although 2012 was not so good due to injury there were occasions in 2011 when he saved the match when the top end were under-performing. I agree about Kim. I don't think he fully understands his engines yet but in between the off nights he has produced some terrific rides. Needs to find consistency and learn away tracks, but having said that, he has put more on his starting average than any other Hammer and is, I believe, the second highest BP scorer in the EL. I think you do Lewis a dis-service. I have never found him to be full of himself but his life is a bit disorganised and there are issues that he needs to get sorted. Funny enough I think Ed Kennett would be a really good Hammer but the problem is the baggage he brings with him in the form of Dave Kennett who always seems to be at the bottom of all the trouble. If Dave Kennett stayed at home I think you would see a much different (and more consistent) Eddie.
  9. I think they have had around 7000 there for a major stock car meeting and I would be surprised if it it wasn't something fairly close to that last night. Some terrific racing. I thought as the riders were giving services for free it would be more or less demonstration racing but they were really going for it. Darcy really is something else. Could easily become one of the all-time greats, possibly the greatest. Great races between him and AJ. Well done to Lewis Bridger. Takes a lot stick from some quarters but really earned his place in the Grand Final.
  10. Lets start with the known facts. We know PK, Davey and Justin have been offered contracts, although the chances are that others have also been offered jobs but its not yet been made public. Unless the rules are changed in the winter I don't think Robbo will be able to d/u again so he will probably go full time with Newcastle, and that probably will mean that his d/u partner, Kauko will probably have to go as well, at least initially. So, of the present squad that only leaves Kim and Robert plus Ritchie Worrall, currently injured. Kim has had an up and down sort of year but has shown flashes of real potential. He is a Lakeside asset and on about a 5.30 average they would be mad to let another club take advantage of the improvement we can expect from him next year. Ritchie will be a steal on a 3 point average. On the first set of 2013 greensheets he will go up to around 6 so at that stage someone like Kauko or possbly even Ryan Fisher could be brought in to share a d/u position.However, with his talent there will no doubt be others waving there cheque books so we'll have to see what happens. So that leaves Robert. Popular with the promotion and popular with the fans but on that difficult border line between reserve and second string and with a full time job outside of speedway he doesn't want to d/u with a PL club so it raises the question of whether he will get enough rides to improve much more. Assuming the line up looks like Watt, PK, Kim, Justin, Ritchie and Robert it only leaves around 6-6.5 points (depending on the final greensheets) for a third heatleader, which probably is not enough. Peter Ljung would probably fit but that is about all. If they were to release Robert or Kim they would have a lot more to play with to bring in a third heatleader, but I can't see that happening. Kim has too much potential and Robert is the sort of rider that gets fans through the turnstiles, at least on his home track. So we'll have to wait and see. Reading between the lines of what has been said in recent programme notes I get the impression that Cookie has something pretty good lined up but thats just an impression and I could be wildly wrong. Top of my wish list for riders I would like to see would be Bomber. He has learnt to ride to track pretty well in the last couple of years and a season there would be good for him and good for the club, but before I get the "hands off" from Cov fans, yes I know it would never happen.
  11. Jason has said he will be there. Just to mention also that Craig and Emma Richardson have apparently had an input to who is riding so they are all special friends Lee rather than being there to make the number up.
  12. Doesn't prove anything. People go to court all the time over personal bickering that is none of anyone else's business.. Just because Hans fell out with you it doesn't make him a bad person. Putting a few basic facts on here without full details, and without Hansi's side of the story and then trying to tell us that says something about the sort of person he is actually says more about you.
  13. No, I have never ever made a comment about Peterboro track on here. I have not seen the place for years so I am in no position to say. It was Rob Lyon said it was cack, or, more precisely he said it was like a potato field.
  14. What an ignorant post. At Kings;Lynn (342 Metres) 30/5/2012 :- Second string Kim Nilsson scores 11+3 is Lakeside's second highest scorer and outscores entire KL side except NKI Second string Stuart Robson scores 7+1 is Lakeside's joint third highest scorer and outscores all but two of the KL team. Lakeside's reserves jointly score paid 10 KL reserves Jointly score paid 13. Yeah, Lakeside's second strings and reserves sure are are worse than useless on a big track. Mind you KL is a properly prepared race track. My word we really do have some bitter people at Peterboro.
  15. I am glad that clip of the so-called "fan" has been put on there to identify the idiot concerned. That bloke and his foul mouth has been an embarrassment to the club for some time. Unfortunately every club has a one or two like that and Lakeside is no different. At least he has now been publicly shown up. KK is not everybody's cup of tea but there is a time and a place to get riders autographs. Loads of people get riders autographs/photographs before the meeting when they are walking down from the changing rooms to the pits and I have never known any rider refuse, including Kaspa. After the meeting when the riders can still be a bit pumped up is not always the best time to ask. I am far from being KK's biggest fan but on this occasion it seems he was confronted by a big-mouth that a lot of people have been complaining about for some time. As another poster has said, what a great role model for the child he has with him.
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