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Everything posted by cuorelibero

  1. Hi guys, i don't know if this is the correct section to write... last night I bought this speedway rider here in Italy where speedway is not so famous.... I would like to know if somebody know where I can buy this model without painting.... So I can paint it by myself for the Italian riders... here a photo!! I hope in your help!! http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5138/4vam.jpg
  2. Hi guys, every time is very very hard to find a torrent link or a rapidshare or megaupload download of the Grand Prix Video. Have you got idea where I can find it??? is there a site with some "really" link?? I never can watch in streaming on saturday night so I must download it later, but always is very hard to find it. Please help me!!!
  3. ok I understand... and is there a site where they are write on friday or saturday??
  4. Hi, does anybody know where I can find the heats of the gothemburg gp?? Is there a site with the informations??? Thank you Nicola from Italy
  5. What have I to search to see the torrent?? for example have I to search "speedway gothenburg torrent" for the next gp???
  6. Hi guys, i write from italy... Do you know if i can wath the streaming gp??? The problem is that i can't wath it on saturday night... Do you know if there is another streaming link to wath it in another day??
  7. is this a streaming live television??? or only uploaded files???? i've found one way in this site: LIVE
  8. hi, i write from lonigo (italy GP) I've format my old pc and i lose the link of speedway's streaming television.... do you know where i can find it???? thank's a lot!!!
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