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Everything posted by Icicle

  1. The "panic button" is being pushed by Al"win at all costs"twit.....
  2. Yes, one can give opinions & opinions make for debate, However, when one notes unsubsticiated, often vitriolic, biased opinions being continually made, one is also entitled to wish the poster whould go & Boil His Heid!!
  3. A great pity for Finland (maybe next year it will rain for the whole match!).
  4. Exactly------Aljack!(the smart arse that is...)
  5. Krasnikov champion again! No surprises there...
  6. You may interpret the "great" (in track mode) either as great= very good,or great = size adjective..... Yes Berwick may be 5 miles into England..the locals don't think so!
  7. Oi Snacky! Berwick is a great wee place with a great big track, that does not know whether it is Scottish or English (Berwick-Scots?? _Tweedmouth-English??)
  8. That should read Filip Sitera (Berwick)..... An interesting line-up.
  9. As Lanham is an improvement on Nelson, one wonders if Len, once he noted that he was avaliable "accidently" mucked up Nelson's paperwork?
  10. Phew for Ippo & Edin! Now Worky--Ingalls/ Glasgow- O'Malley (Compton?) & Plymouth (poss all of them!) to be sorted &, I hope, very soon!
  11. Would these "certain quarters" be the same ones when Darcy Ward was "unpopular" when he was nearly a Witch??
  12. Less than a week yet BSPA have still not got up the official averages for Witches (& others)....!
  13. Could be fun when Berwick visit as they have Michael Hertrich who, seemingly, is also into kick-boxing!
  14. Getting nearer to the start of season!! Yay! (also this post keeps this thread near the top of page!)
  15. Wrong Aljack...Newport not yet closed, there is some hope they might survive...slim but,,,,
  16. Drat, we are currently 3rd in league..61 pages with Berwick on 63 & Sheffield on 70!
  17. However, Heeps is an "Old Timer" compared to Tungate..!
  18. Thers are definitely 2 types of fans..one type goes to see RACING & hope their team wins but does not mind losing if they have seen good racing (& may even go to "neutral" track just for that reason). There are, sadly, also those who just go to WIN at all costs...racing may be awful but "We Won"! we can guess sometimes who fits which catergory!
  19. Altwit negative again,, Does one need an "Out & out" Nr1 if you have a solid team in which all 7 riders have the potential to increase their average? That to me sounds like a good formula for a winning team.
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