Mentioned on Russian thread about Toliatti's very odd unique "entertainments" (in Ice) but the wierd "entertainments" at the Junior Meeting were the most eccentric yet!!
Also noted they had Start Girls, not so flamboyant as the Polish ones, but better than Olching! 4 girls in "traditional" costumes who all looked bored out of their skulls plus uniquely a Male holding the Race number! Unique & different....
Ah Toliatti!! Home of "eccentric entertainment!". Have seen some odd "entertainments" via the Ice Speedway, but the odd goings on for the Junior meeting beats them all! Very weird.
As an Ippo fan but from a distance, I can really only go by results & observations. However, I have noted more complaints this season about poor racing & track conditions, maybe if this was rectified the team might (might) do better??