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Everything posted by Icicle

  1. Crowds have always gathered to see what has happened, not just this generation.
  2. Looking good! Here's hoping for Witches first (of many) Win!
  3. No I am not--the Right wing- Corbin bashers
  4. Is it "no longer appropriate" or is it the Right wing chauvinistic press under the guise of "PC" making sure women don't get seen, jobs, or allowed to be what they want?
  5. Where are they going?? Oh --you mean their not there......
  6. The "PC" argument is " stop exploitation of Women" but in actuality it is Male Chauvinists making sure there are less jobs for Women & their place is in the kitchen only.
  7. Thought F1 was scrapping Women for Kiddie Porn, i,e "Skid Kids"......
  8. Let's hope the first of many wins this season...
  9. Making the rule a "Bone of contention"?
  10. Track looks VERY wet! No-one would even think of riding that today"
  11. Arguments both ways, yes team suits look smart and good but that individuality lost. Apart from all bikes(& to some extent styles) are very similar now (no odd handlebars), all riders look the same. Where would riders like Nigel Boocock with his Blueness manage now?
  12. Poor old Havvy. Always came over as well meaning, but a bit like an old boxer, had just one bang to the head too many....
  13. I have often wondered where that odd clip of racing was from, as it looked like China, now I know! Ta.. Looks a small , a bit puzzled crowd.!
  14. It may not be a "Circus" but certainly it isbeing ruled by the Clowns!
  15. It's called Ecology & saving the planet.you twit!
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