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Everything posted by iangnz

  1. quite possibly I'm missing something, but don't think either Thompson nor Jenkins will be RS next season.....
  2. ..probably a stupid thought, but would Robert Mear's average fit? Just riding for Lakeside isn't going to be enough meetings to get him back in to the swing of it. Agree with many comments here about the team building being a mess - starting with NBJ's release - which seems to have been based on Lambert staying. Even so, still think that apart from Kennett & Lanham, the other four named so far will all increase their starting averages which could mean a decent season...if we get the right final piece to the jjgsaw now Klindt has gone elsewhere (no great loss in my opinion).
  3. Thanks iand. Even if this line up has just 'happened' as a result of letting NBJ go then losing Lambert, it may work out well. If Kennett and Lanham can maintain their averages, and the rest put at least a point on their starting figures (as they all have potential to do) then we'll be in the play offs.
  4. Again, just observations from far away NZ which is largely speedway-less these days... Side looks reasonable, if I get over to the UK for work next year, I'd pay to go and see them. BUT....it still does seem a 'balls up' was made letting NBJ go before Lambert had signed. Robbo is NBJ's replacement on a similar average, but will he increase his average by more than NBJ next year. Hopefully, but I doubt it. Question for those who've studied the averages, which I haven't: would Heaps average still have fitted if we'd kept NBJ..?? Or is the Heaps signing a fortuitous spin off of NBj's premature departure..?? I need convincing that was the plan all along, but it still has the hallmarks of a stuff up to me....in which case I hope the new promotion have learned something. All the best for 2016 :-)
  5. Good start I reckon - apart from Kennett the other 4 can all improve their starting average, maybe with exception of Kasper whose high average came from his time at reserve last season. Lambert & Bowen to complete please.....
  6. For what its worth being a long time Rockets supporter, track marshall, mechanic and small time sponsor who has lived in NZ since 1994 (and had a go at riding :-), I'd go with bolly's 1,2,6 & 7 (Kennett, Lambert, Branford & Morley). But not Mear, Boxall or Lykke (the last one harsh because he had a good season). Pity about NBJ, but top three of Kennett, Lambert & NBJ would mean having weak second strings. To win the league, you need 7 riders who will all improve their starting average, and being in top 5, I don't think Kasper would. So, who then for the 3 middle order spots? Haven't worked out exact averages, but how about Michael Palm Toft, Ashley Birks and Richie Worrall..?? Met the last two when they came to NZ a few years ago, both great ambassadors for the sport who did themselves credit out here.
  7. The Rye House side is 2 heat leaders, 4 reserves and R/R. Can see a repeat of their 2014 result at Somerset on the cards....
  8. Being based 12,000 miles away in NZ, I only have figures to go on for next years team. Which brings me to the subject of Olly Allen, who many of you don't want in next years team. It must be frustrating when your no1 averages less than 8 at home. But at home, the rest of the team - Bunyan, Aspgren, Garrity, Mellgren - are strong enough to cope. Winning away meetings is the key to success, and that's where Allen comes in to his own if you look, his total away average was 8.69 the last time I looked, but if you just look at the larger tracks where we are traditionally weakest, he avergaes over 9. Surely that's worth retaining....???
  9. Was following the meeting from down here in NZ, can't find any specific news on Ricky - does anyone know what the latest is..??
  10. I had it all set up for Dale to go to England this year to ride for an established NL track. But now he's broken his arm and the NL promoters have banned commonwealth riders (they think this is going to bring on British riders faster....I don't think so....)it is all 'on ice' for now.
  11. No, Jayne's reply is correct. The EL and PL are professional leagues and any 'foreign' rider from a country outside the EEC needs a work permit (UK Border Agency Tier 2 Sponsorship) to compete in those leagues. It is just like coming to the UK from a foreign country to work in any other job. The NL is only semi professional and you do not need a work permit to race in that league. The UK Border Agency has an agreement with most commonwealth countries called the tier 5 youth mobility scheme. This allows commonwealth citizens to come to the UK for up to 2yrs and carry out 'casual' work like working in a bar / restaurant etc. Riding in the NL is treated this way. I had this discussion with a long standing NL promoter late last year and he ended up contacting the UK Border Agency who told him exactly what I've told you here.
  12. That's right. The point was making was to dispell the rumour that it was the UK Border Agency rules that prohibit commonwealth riders (other than those with patriality) to ride in the NL. Under the tier 5 youth visa it is perfectly legal, end of story. You are right that then it becomes the decision of the NL promoters as they can allow whoever they like in their league. However, all they have done here is weaken the league, which will be of no help to the development of British riders at all. I was suprised by the number of posts on this topic supporting that view. A few 'foreigers' never has and never will stunt the development of British riders, the problem is when you allow your leagues to become over-run with them. Now, even some PL teams only have one Britih rider...that's where your problem is.
  13. That is exactly right Jayne. Tier5 is for young people for a max of 2yrs, similar to the old Working Holiday Visa. Tier 2 is where you have to prove the 'foreigner' (do you really refer to NZ'ers as 'foreigners' these days?)is at the top of their sport.
  14. Some interesting comments on this thread. I used to be a track marshall / sponsor at Rye House in the late 80's, but am now based in Christchurch NZ where I try to help NZ youngsters from Canterbury Motorcycle Speedway Club to find team places in the UK (eg: Andrew Aldridge with Rye House 2008 and Bournemouth 2009). First, let's dispel a rumour about the visa issue - when commonwealth riders were admitted to the old conference league in 2008 they required what was called a working holiday visa. This was subsequently obsoleted by the UK Border Agency in late 2008, I think. It was replaced by the Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa which, in trying to get one of our youngsters a place in the NL this year, I proved to the promoter involved makes it perfectly legal for commonwealth riders to ride in the NL. So, the visa issue is a non-starter. Having proved this, we had high hopes the rider in question would be free to ride in the NL, however, we had been warned about the possibility of the NL being 'Brits only'. In going down this path, you have gone back to the old Conference League model pre 2008, and how many future British GP riders did that produce...?? The gap between the CL and PL then was so wide that a CL heat leader struggled to score points from reserve in PL meetings. Having a limited number of commonwealth riders in the NL has helped raise the standard and closed that gap. That must be to the benefit of the British riders in the league too, mustn't it..?? Sure, some PL places are now occupied by commonwealth riders that have progressed through the NL, but the answer is not to ban them, instead the question you need to think about is why they succeeded and the British youngsters didn't..?? To us, having a few commonwealth riders in the NL was a win - win, and we hope the rules might allow it to happen again in 2012.
  15. It's hard to look past Nicki and Crumpy, nut I'd like to see both Gollob and Adams win it before they retire. They are right up there with the best riders never to win world titles. There is no greater sight in speedway than Gollob in full flight,and Adams has just been so good in so many leagues for so long. Saijfutdinov will surprise a few, he might struggle on smaller temporary tracks, but don't forget he won a world U21 round at Rye House a couple of years ago, in a field that included Tai Woffinden, in terrible conditions. We'll see
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