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  1. Harris should also not, if he had put up more of an effort on Saturday and learnt to gate then maybe give him another chance!! Effort ??? he rode three different bikes saturday ! one which wasent working and obivously you werent watching saturday and he flew off the start and won the heat yes maybe to much to late but come on be fair !! he the first one to admit it hasent been a great season !!
  2. GP are rubbish now no dirt slick track must be bad as i look forward to them interview nicki and gollob .. Nicki cause like i said he cracks me up and gollob cause i cant understand a thing he says but he just smiles his way through it lol
  3. I tell ya what ya gotta laugh that pederson interview was so funny like last Gp interview in sweden he makes me laugh .. Bet he wished he had gone on holiday save himself the stiches in his ass lol ! The GP would be a even duller place without good old nicki
  4. Dont care if i get banned what a tosser who the hell do you think you are grow up . Scott a good bloke with a lovely family .
  5. Scott and Chris both need good sponsors and tuners and mechanics in the pits with them. Would be interesting to see what difference TR in their corner would make It all boils down to money though doesnt it if you have endless amounts of cash to throw at engine tuners and mechanics then great.. But i think Chris and Scott are strugling more due to the fact that the first three GP tracks have been shocking. Our boys are racers whats happened to the dirt and the passing in the GP. But chris looked a bit more like his old self beating crumpy in the first one . but poor old scotty is really strugglin and i really feel for him. Looked like another poor attendence for a GP. I wonder how the cardiff sales are going ??
  6. ooooohhhhhh thats a big word . lol neah just pointless calling someone when you dont even know them .. havent they all put someone in the fence at one time or another
  7. No lets not NICKI PEDERSON WORLD CHAMPION think you need to grow up or get anger management
  8. Cant believe what im reading on here . and is disgusting ... As for nicki v emil No matter what people think of nicki he was in front and had the line yes he tryed to take emil wide but if he in front then whats the problem .. but the inocent party in all this was crump who came off worse. As for scott i feel so sorry for him he having a really rough time and i hope he doesnt quit the GP's he just needs a plan and as a team say i love it when a plan comes together COME ON SCOTTY the only thing i will say is how are some of you any different to nicki when your swearing like troopers on here when it isnt needed .
  9. I agree people are to quick to knock the brits
  10. Well said come on scotty the two rides he won he looked class more of that scotty nicholls please .
  11. He looked really down didnt he but to be fair i thouoght his last two rides were superb look more like the old scott
  12. Im thinking i will have to cancel three rooms at the lodge by the end of the week .. Just wondering if there was any interest ?
  13. Well said couldnt think of anything worse lee richardson british champion eughhh ... Nicholls harris kennett and i think tai
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