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msc1874 last won the day on August 3 2013

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About msc1874

  • Birthday 07/17/1984

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    Edinburgh(Near enough)

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  1. Good result for the mighty monarchs last night. Hope Mitchell recovers soon, been very unlucky this season. Sheffield seem to have been treading water for a few years. They tried something different in terms of team building this year; elements have worked and luck has not always favoured them. The team is built around Simon stead, the guy is massive l Good result for the mighty monarchs last night. Hope Mitchell recovers soon, been very unlucky this season. Sheffield seem to have been treading water for a few years. They tried something different in terms of team building this year; elements have worked and luck has not always favoured them. The team is built around Simon stead, the guy is massive loss. His influence on and off track. Albin and Koppe will be better for a seasons experience. Get stead back in next year and I can only feel that Sheffield will be better off for it. For years the tigers have been the big team in the league; success is a fine line. I feel there are some positive signs this year although I understand losing week in week out does not put bums on seats.
  2. Well that's it. I saw Neil Hewitt suffer terrible injuries with a crash that didn't look as bad as I have seen, it caused life changing injuries for Neil. Look I know that those who did cheer in no way wanted this outcome. That's what makes speedway fans different from other sports, we stand side by side and appreciate other teams riders. Look, I think we just need to move on. The Scunthorpe fans and club itself are thoroughly decent folks and lets not label them something they are not. Lets all focus on Ricky. Lets hope he can continue to improve. I don't know anyone in the speedway world sending anything but positive messages to Ricky. Get well mate; I'm sure I speak for many on here.
  3. Tonight's meeting totally over shadowed by last nights events. I always like Ricky. But it's hard but we look forward to tonight. Without sounding crass how are bandits covering Ricky? The best result from tonight for me would be a positive news from Ricky.
  4. Listen I us fans here are probably never going to agree. But this poster has started to harass me by PM Had Enough Member Since 20 Jun 2013 OFFLINE Last Active Today, 09:40 AM Add me as a friend Send me a message Find content What can I do?
  5. I read Berwicks statement, and fingers crossed he is in the best place receiving the best possible care. I read on here that some fans cheered at his crash, I doubt these fans realised the severity of this. Personally I never cheer a crash. For me I have seen the most innocuous crash be serious. But speedway fans in general are not malicious people. I travel and have travelled the country and met great opposition fans. I have never met one who took pleasure in seeing a rider hurt. I hope Ricky is ok. This is not about speedway anymore, it's a guys life. When this happens we all know British speedway stands as one and wishes Ricky well. Get well mate
  6. Got up his morning to hear about Ricky, I hope we get some more positive news today. Get well soon mate
  7. Planet sized opinion there Jules... If you read the star and the Ipswich remarks it all leads towards them saying that they can't understand cooks actions or why he did what he did.. Cook himself says that Ipswich claim that nothing was said to him. As Craig says if you choose to believe that then well you are deluded..I summarised cooks statement. Listen mate carry on living in your bubble with your tainted victory. As Derek Sneddon said, the monarchs were all for packing up the bikes. Barker should have been out too. To be honest, I'm bored of this topic and your deluded opinions are of an irrelevance to me to be honest mate. Maybe if you get Worrall and Robson thrown out in the final you can win the cup.. Good luck
  8. The issue rumbles on in the star. Cook was clearly wrong to throw a punch. You do that in the street it's a breach of the peace. Can't condone it. To his credit cook has not defended his action, he apologised and accepted the punishment. I find it astonishing that Ipswich are trying to play the card that Barker did nothing, said nothing; the heat no evil see no evil response. Would cook throw fists for no good reason? Lets weigh up the probability factor here and it doesn't make Barker look good either; notice on the monarchs webpage cooks actions were never condoned but they stated that severe provocation had taken place. If Barker thought this to be untrue then it would be a libalist statement. Ipswich playing the victim here and putting cook on the naughty step; whilst portraying barker who has previous for this as a victim is pretty pathetic to be honest. Chris Louis, probably one of my favourite riders ever; your assertion that Barker did nothing; loses you credibility in my eyes. Only way to resolve this have an independent tribunal let the truth come out. Speedway needs to deal with issues head on and not have people constantly coveting their own bums....
  9. I have him on twitter. He's cocky, I take it with a pinch of salt. I want to hear an official statement as too what's gone down here
  10. Ok wee man that statement was cool about ten years ago. Bed time yet? Did you not miss out Alexander Graeme Bell, Gordon Brown, Robert the Bruce... Night night wee man. Mate I am not disagreeing with you. I am backing up your point on averages. I am saying I don't always agree with you but I do here. Why you attacking me? Honestly
  11. I don't agree with your argument but I agree with your point about averages. Not the issue here. It will all come out in the wash. The referee has made a massive call here. Match changing. I would suggest in due course if it is found barker is equally culpable, then his points could be expunged from the meeting. I know nothing, but the referee needs to stand by the call he made, otherwise he has ruined a great cup tie. I do recall Ben barker wanting to go fighting with Thomas h jonasson at stoke after losing a race to him. Just saying...
  12. Dunno what's happened. But joke non contest throwing top rider out of the meeting. I don't know if it was merited or if barker deserved to go too, but it made the meeting a farce
  13. I think persisting with Andre until the end of the season will only benefit tigers next year. James and Joe going Andre is going to be a decent option on a 5/6 point average. This season is transitional and I think tigers need to put done blocks in place for next term.
  14. Cheers guys gonna try and get something booked today, by close of play. I will fire on places suggested and see what comes up best shout.
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