The product has been watered down this year,,And some may be expecting to much with the very limited points available for team 39 per team....
Mark Sexton stood in last season and could be favourite if he wants it, ?Especially if Kelvin is still there with input..John Sampford has no favourites and makes the hard decisions for the team benefit only,,,may lack a little rider motivation..but knows the rule book backwards and is totally committed to the job
Not a lot of back up to Morley and Hopwood in this side i would not consider Campos a heat leader.....Mildenhall and Eastbourne seemed to have signed all the best youngsters
39 point limit will do nothing to put badly needed bums on seats ,and may rule out several promising riders that may not even get a team in the Championship
Hate this new format ,had the devils own job to sign in with a password problem,,and have had. To. sign in again today to post this,,anyone else having problems ,!?
Redandyyellow is about right with that assessment ,though there is a difference from club to club according to finances,,, some as low as ten pound a point for some riders...
Riders do not reveal their points money normally to the public as it can cause friction in a team .But it is well known that the top riders negotiate their own rates with the promoters and it varies from track to track.... And it is hush hush....And promoters do not want it known what they pay individual riders,,so the word is they all get the same..........?????
A surprise for me ...But I'm sure the experience Ben gains by regularly riding a big track will make him a better all round rider as he consolidates his position in the higher leagues..You can gaurantee he will give the I.o.w 100 per cent commitment...
Great signings...,I will always remember how Richard Lawson used to team ride so brilliantly with our Ben Morley when they were in the team together....And a top number one in Nick Morris
Shame to see two experience knowledgable posters snipeing at each other,,I think your both better than that.....You like the speedway that appeals to you leave it at that...
So Zack has been signed by Swindon wasnt Adam Ellis a lakeside asset as well ? now both signed by Swindon, as assets,,makes me ask what was the reasoning behind this from a Lakeside point of view ??