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fairplay1 last won the day on April 22 2013

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  1. Yeah agree with that the rise in price for pensioners consessions made my decision not to buy a season ticket very easy plus the cost increased of traveling with fuel etc and even more so after watching last nights total and complete borefest on BSN...
  2. Yeah I notice the club I have supported for more years than I care to remember have done away with the reduced season and on the day tickets for pensioners etc had a season ticket for years but only managed 3 meetings last season due to health issues so lost out big style.. Wont be bothering this season it just seems a very strange decision to me a fair amount of pensioners usually go but think that might change..
  3. All sorted now thanks for the help apparently I was useing the wrong email address I was just clicking reply on the one they use to confirm subscription all good now..
  4. I first emailed them about it a week ago and I get what you say about them being good people and probably very busy but I wouldve expected some sort of contact after a week and yes I know card payments can be recurring but I cancelled my subscription on the 9th of September but then agreed to keep it for another month at a reduced price not another month at a reduced price followed by yet another month at full price.. I only wish them luck with their venture and hope it works out but I am a bit peeved about this..
  5. Thanks I dont want to rock the boat with them because what I have watched has been ok but im not interested in the final just a bit peed off with the no response bit.
  6. Hi Lisa thanks for your reply I will try social media if I get no luck here thanks..
  7. Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with BSN I cancelled my account back in September but renewed it for 1 more month after being offerd it at the reduced rate of £17.59.. However they obviously decided I would like it for another Month and have taken £21.99 off my card without my permission they knew I took it for 1 more month at reduced rate but having emailed them 3 times I have had no response and was wondering if anyone else had another way of contacting them because email obviously no good.. Failing that I will have to hand it over to my card company to sort..
  8. Broken collar bone according to Berwick web page..
  9. Yes I was too but it was bought as a Christmas present from wife and Daughters plus she wanted to buy before January so she was in the free ticket draw .. Anyway the Club have now been in contact having seen my post on here..
  10. Bought a season ticket back in December but had no notification E-Mail from club confirming the purchase have tried E-Mailing them back in December notifying them of this but still no reply .. Has anyone else had same problem or do they just not bother..
  11. You dont know me and dont know who bought the ticket and dont know the reasons behind it so might I sugest you keep your opinions inside your tiny little mind... It is up to me what I do with the ticket NOT you...
  12. Because I expected better than what is getting served up that is why!! So plenty sense.. And I never bought the ticket it was a Christmas gift..
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