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Everything posted by ladyluck

  1. Looking at the reports of yesterday's meetings it seems that the Leszno and Czestochowa meetings got very favourable reviews, but, realistically, they were always going to show the big derby meeting and it was warming up nicely. Dobrucki's crash in Ht 6 and then a poor refereeing decision in Ht 7 led to Falubaz collapsing.
  2. That's nothing compared to the nutters, erm, I mean lovely and cuddly fanatics (honestly, Mr Dowhan), in Zielona Gora (watch the roof): By the way, that stand is now closed to the public as it wasn't built to stand up to the rigours of the "Labado", apparently. It's brand new.
  3. As noted earlier in the thread, an extraordinary meeting in Gdansk yesterday where the hosts ran out easy winners (69-16) amid many falls, protests from the visitors (including refusing to ride in a couple of heats) and crowd unrest. It looks as if Poznan have released some video footage of some of the crashes in the early heats: http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/05/09/zuzlowa-farsa-czyli-mecz-lotos-wybrzeze-lechma-poznan-wideo/ I don't think the last has been heard of this sorry episode.
  4. Looks like he's got his hands full already, but maybe if you ask nicely he'll take on Civil Servants.
  5. Roll of Honour 1995..T Knudsen..(DEN)..Linkoping 1996..B Hamill..(USA)..Linkoping 1997..T Gollob..(POL)..Linkoping 1998..T Rickardsson..(SWE)..Linkoping 1999..M Loram..(GBR)..Linkoping 2000..J Crump..(AUS)..Linkoping 2001..J Crump..(AUS)..Stockholm 2002..T Rickardsson..(SWE)..Stockholm 2003..R Sullivan..(AUS)..Avesta 2004..L Adams..(AUS)..Stockholm 2005..J Crump..(AUS)..Eskilstuna 2006..J Crump..(AUS)..Eskilstuna 2007..L Adams..(AUS)..Eskilstuna 2008..R Holta..(POL)..Gothenburg 2009..E Sayfutdinov..(RUS)..Gothenburg 2010..K Bjerre..(DEN)..Gothenburg Uninteresting Facts Gothenburg was founded in 1621 by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus. He is popularly known as "Gustavus Adolphus the Great" or the "Lion of the North". Gustavus Adolphus forged Sweden into a Great Power of Europe during the Thirty Years War. He was mortally wounded during the Battle of Lutzen in 1632. The Grand Prix is being held in the Ullevi Stadium, which is the largest stadium in Scandinavia. Roughly translated, Ullevi means "Temple of Ull". Ull was - probably still is - the Norse god of winter, death, skiing, the chase, overall combat, archery, hunting and trapping, and snowshoes. The Ullevi Stadium hosted nine world finals during the period 1964-1991. And world champions crowned in Gothenburg were Barry Briggs (1964 and 1966), Ivan Mauger (1968 and 1977), Ole Olsen (1971), Anders Michanek (1974), Michael Lee (1980), Erik Gundersen (1984) and Jan O Pedersen (1991). The Ullevi Stadium has hosted six previous Grands Prix. And the winners were Leigh Adams (2002), Ryan Sullivan (2003), Hans Andersen (2004), Rune Holta (2008), Emil Sayfutdinov (2009) and Kenneth Bjerre (2010). Which means that no rider has gone on to be world champion in the season he won the Grand Prix at Ullevi. The record crowd at Ullevi was 64,312 for a Bruce Springsteen concert in 1985. The reverberations of Mr Springsteen's music and the crowd almost caused the structural collapse of the stadium. But, fear not, the stadium was massively strengthened by its municipal owners afterwards. And Mr Springsteen has been back several times with no adverse effects. The Gothenburg track is the longest in the GPs, although the length changes from time to time. This year it's going to be 404 metres. In 2008 it was a massive 416 metres. The track record is 69.40 seconds. It is jointly held by Jason Crump and Rune Holta. From Gothenburg to Prague As noted above, Gothenburg was founded by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus. Gustavus Adolphus was mortally wounded at the Battle of Lutzen in 1632. The opposing forces at the battle were commanded by Albrecht von Wallenstein. Albrecht von Wallenstein built (not personally, of course) the largest palace in Prague (Wallenstein Palace, now the seat of the Czech senate).
  6. Here is a link to details on Iversen's first meeting: http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/05/03/elitserien-indianerna-kumla-dackarna-malilla-5238-dobry-mecz/ I think he was the only one of the trio you mentioned who rode last week.
  7. They were talking tough on Bridger a couple of weeks ago. I doubt his Polish goose is cooked now. And he's so desperate to make a name for himself in Poland. Ah well, nevermind. Just read the comments of participants after the meeting and it seems Gniezno are looking to make changes and Kacper Gomolski doesn't seem impressed with team mate Nicholls: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&sl=pl&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/05/08/czulem-moc-komentarze-po-meczu-start-gniezno-gtz-grudziadz/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsportowefakty%2Bzuzel%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1TSEA_ENUK335%26prmd%3Divns&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&usg=ALkJrhiqHTeQo6vh-KEeQ31SZAVVX7PdCw
  8. I would guess that both Maksim Bogdanovs (shoulder) and Rafal Dobrucki (spine) will be missing. Pawlicki could be a doubt as well. It used to be a seven day break for concussion in the UK, but it seems concussion respects borders.
  9. A young fellow called Sayfutdinov might have something to say about that. As might his semi-weird team mate Grzegorz Walasek.
  10. According to Jan Zabik it looks like everything is okay: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&sl=pl&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/05/08/tadeusz-kostro-i-kamil-pulczynski-wyladowali-w-szpitalu/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsportowefakty%2Bzuzel%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1TSEA_ENUK335%26prmd%3Divns&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&usg=ALkJrhhx1mxM5a--a16J4UQSt9FbUeWyww
  11. Answered in the post above, but don't even think about asking what happened in Gdansk. All I know is that Peter Ljung said the track was sh..., well, not very good. Kamil Pulczynski was excluded as the cause of the stoppage in Ht 1.
  12. It's his birthday as well, apparently. Still, the initial thought is that it's nothing more than "shock". Kamil Pulczynski also took a trip to hospital for a check-up after his crash, although it looks like nothing serious there either. Kostro's accident involved Kamil, but Kamil's injury was in a later crash.
  13. He did. Fell heavily in Ht 1 and was unable to take further part in the meeting. I think he ended up in hospital.
  14. Apparently Leszno versus Wroclaw was a great meeting and so was Czestochowa versus Rzeszow. You win some, you lose some. Full results from Poland today: Ekstraliga Tarnow 42 : 47 Torun Czestochowa 47 : 43 Rzeszow Leszno 51 : 39 Wroclaw Gorzow 56 : 33 Zielona Gora Liga I Gniezno 44 : 46 Grudziadz Daugavpils 47 : 43 Rybnik Bydgoszcz 66 : 24 Lodz Gdansk 69 : 16 Poznan Liga II Krosno 38 : 52 Pila Ostrow 62 : 28 Rovno Opole 42 : 47 Lublin
  15. The sad news is a suspected fractured spine for Rafal Dobrucki: http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/05/08/powazna-kontuzja-rafala-dobruckiego/ Heading for surgery now. I wish him a swift recovery.
  16. Hts 14 and 15 are nominated. That's why Zagar and Pedersen were out in Hts 13 and 14. I'd be surprised if Gorzow top the league. At the minute Zielona Gora are top. I don't think Czestochowa will be bottom either.
  17. You have to remember that following Dobrucki's withdrawal Zielona Gora had to turn to tactical substitutes. What do you think is better? Hancock, Protasiewicz and Jonsson replacing the injured Dobrucki, or a junior? If Gorzow are so strong and Czestochowa so weak, perhaps you can explain why Gorzow only beat Czestochowa by six points in Gorzow: http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/04/10/lwom-zabraklo-klow-relacja-z-meczu-caelum-stal-gorzow-wlokni/
  18. That was pitiful from Hancock. Since the tumble for Dobrucki it seems that Hancock and Jonsson have vanished.
  19. A formal warning for Mr Gollob from the referee, apparently. When did team riding become a sin?
  20. Shame for PePe. He was away with it there. Looked like the guy would've cleared the track as well.
  21. Has Mroczka just hammered another nail into the coffin of Andersen's Gorzow career?
  22. And no chance of beating Ms Blue at Czestochowa.
  23. Falubaz fans in good voice. Wonder what sort of damage they'll do to the Edward Jancarz Stadium today?
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