I couldn't believe this awful news when I found out last night. Sending lots of love to his family & friends.
I didn't see him race often but he was such an entertainer, a pleasure to watch on a bike.
God bless, Danny.
I was looking forward to this meeting but I have to say it was a very long drawn out meeting. I have no idea how many reruns we had, I lost count! I think the Ref was at a different meeting to all of us!!!
I would like to make these changes-
5 Jonsson 45,000
8 Bjerre 50,000
10 Andersen 40,000
to go.
Riders in
1 Crump 50,000
4 Hancock 40,000
7 Holta 45,000
New Team
1 Crump
2 Gollob
4 Hancock
7 Holta
13 Hampel
Captain for this round Crump please.
Thank You.
Can I make these changes olease?
3 Emil Sayfutdinov 50 000 out replace with 2 Tomasz Gollob 50 000
6 Nicki Pedersen 45 000 out replace with 5 Andreas Jonsson 45 000
New team New Old
2 Tomasz Gollob 50 000 50 000
5 Andreas Jonsson 45 000 45 000
8 Kenneth Bjerre 50 000 35 000
10 Hans Andersen 40 000 35 000
13 Jaroslaw Hampel 50 000 25 000
235 000 190 000
Captain for tonight Tomasz Gollob please.
What a fantastic meeting last night! Really enjoyed it. Danny King was brilliant entertainment and I have to say I think every team member put in 100% effort, which is more than can be said for last year. !!!! Well done boys . The racing was superb all night. Great entertainment all round
I was surprised not to see Richardson in the team but don't think we will regret not having Scot. After last years fiasco I think we need to try the younger lads. All I ask for is 100% effort from our team and in no way do I think I saw anything like that last year. Good luck to the boys on monday. I hope you do us proud!