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Everything posted by Albert

  1. Well done Glasgow, thoroughly deserved and predictable win. Not sure when our run of bad luck is gonna end... but best wishes to Lewi Kerr, hope his wrist injury isn't a bad one. As for the meeting... was ok, not one of the best.. but four or five great races made it entertaining. Not sure where the Scorpions go from here... changes have been promised... and on today showing, desperately needed.
  2. Great meeting from a Scunny point of view.. What a refreshing change. Some great racing.. superb entertainment.. wow heat 15, that's why we go to speedway.. (4 racers, 4 laps, great stuff). Dougie and Tero banging in the points, that's much more like it. Little Josh has come back from his injury break on fire, wilko put a good shift in.. as too Josh Auty. Howarth was again great value round the EWR.. Richie Worrall too, good effort and a tremendous heat 15 win. Special mention to Alfie Bowtell, seven rides for two points, no way was that a reflection of his efforts.. deserved much more, definitely one to watch.. diamonds got a gem there. Yeah but... What does Scunny enjoy that others don't?... no rent, all bar and café takings are theirs, amateur meetings, training sessions and mini track... all contribute to the running of speedway. I'd say regardless of numbers through the gate, we're still the envy of most.
  3. I believe its a twisted knee, hopefully nothing too serious that'll keep him out too long.
  4. I try to have an unbiased view on decisions... Sitting next to the ref in the box, I have to... I don't always agree with their decisions, I accept them but don't necessarily agree with them ... as proved yesterday. Refs have a difficult job, I feel for them..its their call, they have to make decisions based on a stupid rule book.... The sports damaged in that respect! To have to exclude someone when there's no specific blame is unfair. In my opinion, the Auty/Barker incident proved that... pure racing incident, whatever decision was gonna be unfair. Redcar fans would be in similar uproar had it been Barker excluded. I like to think I got an excellent view of all the incidents... Wright certainly made contact with Tero and was correctly excluded (imo).. Wilko correct not to be excluded... The starts were a shambles though...Ayres moved but punished himself, should've resulted in the race continuing but no... Barker got away with flyers all night whilst Kerr got punished for similar.. Basically Starts are ruining speedway... The sooner we get a better method of starting the better. I'm almost at the point of giving up, I go to watch four riders race over four laps...we should be talking about what a good meeting it was, instead we're talking about decisions that influenced the result and ruined a good contest.
  5. Call it sour grapes... I think Rob was only venting his frustration like the rest of us.... Ultimately; withdrawals, engine failures and falls cost us... but we we're never gonna win after some of the decisions that went against us.. In my opinion the 'refs' ruined the meeting as a contest with some proper dodgy and unfair decisions. Redcar were riding pretty well and would probably won in anyway... but lets have a level playing field. A call for fairness and common sense needed!
  6. Disappointed and dejected on many fronts.. 8 heat winners to 7 and lose by 11 points!...Whats that all about then?... Thanks to an awful lot of bad luck... and some very dubious refereeing decisions. The Auty/Barker crash was sickening, great to see them both get up... but to exclude Auty?.. It was a pure racing incident, we need some common sense (but then this is speedway we're talking about).. either exclude them both or put them both back in the rerun...don't dither over a decision for five minutes then come up an unfair one. Having to apportion blame when there is no obvious reason is a bloody stupid rule! It could of gone either way, whichever would've been unfair. While i'm ranting.. FFS, either let riders move at the start, or be consistent in punishments... personally i'd like a rule which says riders can move and anticipate starts, only punish them if they touch the tapes.... Refs simply aren't consistent in their approach to starts these days, its no wonder riders themselves get angry.. let alone supporters that have to endure boring restart after restart... Barker got away with some obvious flyers today, yet when Kerr did the same, he got punished... pure lack of consistency. I'm really hacked off with the sport right now.. decisions and rule books!. I need to find some enthusiasm from somewhere cos I've about had enough it.
  7. Not so sure... the two Berwick lads collide and fall causing the race to be stopped.. one of them had to get excluded.
  8. Developed into a bloody good meeting.. first four or five races were somewhat strung out and instantly forgettable. After that slow start though, there was fantastic racing from both teams. Kyle Howarth is so good to watch round scunny, some terrific battles with Josh Auty. Doolan, Howe and Gappmaier also put on a decent show. For Scunny.. A most welcome win.. Was a good effort from the boys.. Special praise for Wilko and Auty, brilliant effort from both of them. Great to see Josh back on form and enjoying his speedway again. Shame about the withdrawals of Ryan Burton (collar bone) and Lewis Kerr (wrist).. hope their injuries heal quick and don't keep them out long. For those that stayed on to watch the junior match.. some great riding from the young'uns.. thoroughly entertaining meeting. Halifax pipping Berwick 19-17.. Some cracking young riders developing in that league.
  9. Nice to get a win.. bonus to beat those pesky tiggers.. Good team effort from the Scorps, they all chipped in valuble points. Big improvement from Josh Auty and Ryan Douglas... that's key to the remainer of our season, need those two to kick on now. Sheffield.. pretty much a four man team again at Scunny.. the four men got them a win last time out, this time they didn't quite have that cutting edge. Good effort from Grajczonek, Bjerre, Bates and particularly Howarth. Some great racing on an extremely windy day, track was a tad tricky early on but improved.. it wasn't a EWR classic by any means.. but a much needed win for Scunny.. and I'll take that
  10. Did I mention track conditions?... I put some pics on and you all assume i'm having a go..... typical.
  11. Good news....Welcome back Josh, hope you enjoyed your retirement Here's to a successful comeback....
  12. That's a shame, victim of the numbers game I guess... His scores may suggest otherwise, but a he's right entertainer, bit of a fans favourite amongst us Scunny fans, hopefully we'll see him back at some point.
  13. Any news on Scunnys line up yet?... all seems quiet at this end... assume from that we're using RR and someone like Wallinger as guest?
  14. Yet another disappointing outcome for Scunny...It wasn't a bad meeting, there was some good racing, one or two stand out moments... but not a classic by EWR standards. Fair play to Ipswich, always looked like edging it, particularly the way King and Schlein were riding.. Some hard but fair moves by Schlein proved to seal the deal. As for Scunny.. Its a shame Howarth couldn't emulate last weeks heroics, did ok but nowhere near as good as last week.. Kerr the pick of the home riders... Again, too many under performers... That said, three tape exclusions and an engine failure possibly cost us a win today. But yet again its quite evident that we lack a proper number one... its galling. With every home defeat, you can feel the enthusiasm from the home support draining away... myself included, never thought i'd hear myself say that!
  15. Predictable defeat for Scunny.. I very much expected that scoreline. However its the manner that we got beat that was more disappointing... Consistently out gated and out shone... Very little on show today from Scunny's more established riders, quite powderpuff at times. RR didn't yield anywhere near the points Douglas would've been expected to score. Hopefully he'll be back next week to add a bit of bite.. and with Tero coming in we might just prove a bit more of a challenge. Back to todays meeting.. There was some good quality racing on show, was a decent meeting for neutral.. and no doubt the Tigers fans enjoyed it. BWD proved a good guest for Scunny, rode well, hard and earned his points. Howarth particularly impressive for Sheffield.. almost as impressive was Grajczonek, Bjerre and Bates. Jet propelled out the gate... whatever engines they're using, can you get our lads some please Rob.
  16. A welcome victory for The Scorpions. Some great racing. Wasn't the best of meetings but given the wind and a constantly drying track, there was some great entertainment on show. Good team effort from Scunny, all riders chipping in with valuble points. That said, Wilko maybe a tad disappointed with his contribution. Stefan Nielsen certainly made a big difference to the Scorpions, shame he isn't gonna stay at reserve, I guess Wilko will now move to that position. For Berwick. Morris and Bridger were full value for money, always in the thick of the action and perhaps deserved more for their efforts. Doolan rode well for the first part of the meeting before fading off a little. One big positive for The Bandits was the performance of Lee Payne, he impressed with a couple of great rides and definitely deserved more for his efforts today.
  17. Welcome Stefan.. Good luck lad. Great signing (Pending ratification of course)..
  18. Read again.. I wasnt suggesting that we change Wilko, hypothetical question... It was a question fo Berwick fans.. Would they take that swap if it was offered or would they put their faith in Berge?
  19. I won't happen.. nor am I suggesting it does... but out of interest, would Berwick fans fancy a swap deal... say Berge for Wilkinson?... Wilko's going pretty well this year, averaging about 6-7.
  20. Despite the defeat and the margin of the score... there was some fantastic racing to keep the punters entertained. After a few FTGs, we witnessed some stupendous heats, some fantastic riding. Without Auty and Kerr, Scunny were never gonna win..they started well.. but after heat six... and when Edinburgh had got Davys rides out the way, there was no looking back. The strength of the Monarchs top guys began to show and they inevitably ran out easy victors. I was particularly impressed with Josh Pickering, a bit wild at times but fast and exciting to watch. Bit puzzled as to why Scunny couldn't get a guest for Kerr... Berge was Ok, but was he the right choice for this meeting?...Surely using RR for Auty would've been a better option, at least Tofty and Douglas would've been able to take a ride instead of having to use the reserves and Wilko. Anyhow.. look forward to next week.. hopefully we'll have our full 1-7.. including a new number 6, whoever that might be.... we await with interest. One last observation from todays meeting... the famous gate 4 only produced three race winners!
  21. Looks like mission impossible for Scunny now.. No Auty, Kerr and Wallner... Plus two uninspiring guests in Berge and Hall, we should be easy picking for the Monarchs today. Pressure is now on Douglas, Wilko and Palm Toft to Score big points. The euphoric feeling after last nights win, changed to despondency in the space of a few hours. But, I'll be there to cheer the lads on, more in hope than expectation.
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