Any off the people who stick up for Hans Andersen on here need 2 grow-up!!!
We all seen the replays and its obvious, hes a complete and utter ....................( u fill the blanks with your own disgusting name) he deserves being called it!!
Im not taking anything away from sweeden cus hey rode well but we was not given a fair chance in the final. I honestly do not know how the riders kept there cool at all and all i can hope for is that Hans gets booed an jeered at every track. Im also praying for Scott Nicholls to have a big say in Han's futuer at foxhall, like telling him to go 4 and 3 ( p-i-s 5 off )
Again people who stick up for Hans just are not british at all, why shud u respect him when he puts our country out off contention! HE'S NOT THINKING ABOUT US AND HE HATES THE BRITISH, Y BOTHER PRAISING THAT??????
Give him your biggest jeers wen u all c him
( p.s hes a real crap lier 2, the smirking gave it away )