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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Yes it was, but not before we'd had to put up with a lot of embarrassing meetings which did Coventry Speedway's reputation no good at all.
  2. It's a bit hard to trust someone who a couple of years ago said he owned the stadium 100% but then we found out he actually didn't.
  3. Yes, it's going to be really boring being a Poole fan this season......again. Personally I prefer a bit of a fight to win and not a foregone conclusion. If Poole aren't champions at the end of the year I'll do a circuit of the Brandon track naked, but please no-one remember I said that because this is really not something you want to see .
  4. Probably the beginning of Sandhu's attempts to piss everyone off by not allowing the promotion to choose their own track curator.
  5. Blimey! If I made that journey I'd want to stay for a week to make it worthwhile. Mind you I've a friend who is an Edinburgh fan who travelled down to Leicester for the PL match and then drove back again afterwards.
  6. Sadly it's the close season so not a great deal happening to discuss on any of the BSF threads. Squabble, squabble? This is nothing ~ wait until the season starts when it will really get going.
  7. Is Monday April 11th correct? Presumably the Bees match is on Sky being as it has been moved from the Friday and I can't remember any second half racing being held after a Sky match before.
  8. I think people have been moaning about the lack of passing since Leicester opened so nothing new there and it actually might make things a bit more interesting to have all the dirt out by the fence and a few ruts. As for sun breaks ~ sorry I've not been brought up with these in my 65 plus years of Speedway watching and I can't be doing with hanging around waiting for the sun to go down. Of course that all depends on whether there is any material to move around in the first place as tracks seem to be ultra slick these days.
  9. I haven't had an email yet but I'm sure one will be following shortly. My suggestions would be less track grading and no damn sun breaks. What are my chances?
  10. I've loved watching The Storm at Brandon and some of the racing is as good if not better than the Bees matches, which confirms my opinion that you don't need the so called top riders/GP riders to get good racing. I'm really looking forward to the new season as that league looks very healthy and competitive which is more than can be said for the E.L. where it's already looking like Poole will be the most dominant team again.
  11. I agree about having to park so far away from the stadium but not about the undercover terracing as there is a big stand on the back straight as well as the 2 grandstands near the start line. Perhaps not so 'grand' as they were supposed to be temporary but they're still undercover so in total I don't think Leicester have much less than anywhere else.
  12. I've been hoping for that for years but each season just when you think things can't get any worse the following year unfortunately they do. I think by the time there is one big league I'll either not be capable of getting to meetings or dead. Personally I'm hoping it's the former so I can at least carry on moaning about the state the sport is in.
  13. The Isle of Wight race night is Thursday isn't it? I think Chris can get the ferry and be back in Leicester by Saturday night.
  14. Put me down for agreeing with that. Watching top riders is not my priority as I am a fan of Speedway itself rather than wanting to see the likes of Greg Hancock, Nicki Pedersen etc. I don't need them to enjoy it. In fact some of the best races I saw last season were at the NL Storm matches.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154565237387785&set=a.10150784554067785.494859.550797784&type=3&th As it's been such a horrible day ~ yes it's raining again here in Leicester weatherwatcher ~ I've been sorting through a cupboard of Speedway things to see what to keep and what I can throw away. Came across this photo of the track when it was being built in 2011. So what happened as it looks massive? Where did it all go wrong?
  16. So you are saying the attendances at Swindon on a Thursday night are still the same as they were on a Saturday?
  17. You never fail to cheer me up when I look at the forum each day. Such a little ray of sunshine. I think we've got the message now ~ you're cheesed off with Speedway at Leicester and would prefer to go to Darly instead. Okay fair enough. I'm off now to see if there are any more cheerful posts on this cold rainy day before I fall into a deeper depression.
  18. Yes the title will be Poole's for the 4th year running. How depressing and boring is that, unless you are a Pirates fan of course.
  19. True and you are even welcome on the Coventry Bees one with your views.
  20. Yes, it might get some criticism about various things but Brandon is still one of the better stadiums in the UK.
  21. Sounds like you have experience of these chairs Packerman. Probably my next buy in the future now I've got my mobility scooter.
  22. How about forward, reverse, forward, reverse? Or am I being stupid. (Don't answer that one.)
  23. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150351743332785&set=a.212043107784.161691.550797784&type=3&theater We spent about 15 minutes arguing with him because we had booked 2 nights in the Travel Lodge especially to watch the Swindon v Coventry match but in the end we got escorted out. Unfortunately for him he didn't take us right to the gate and Ray made a wrong turning after he'd gone and we ended up somewhere at the back of the stadium with a load of vans. Result ~ we saw the match and the dogs had a good sleep. No harm done. Well, apart from Coventry losing I suppose ~ I can't remember but they probably did. Can't have been as bad as the match after one of the Cardiff G.P's though as that sticks in my memory as one of the Bees worst ever performances.
  24. Will anyone be going? The latest photo looks very concerning. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205759432248782&set=gm.10153940473368829&type=3&theater
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