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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. I think Kerr is riding isn't he? Star Lady has said Palm Toft for Lambert.
  2. Where are you Happy Hunter because it's not raining where I am about 4 miles away and none since yesterday. If Peterborough managed to get their track sorted out after all the rain we've had over the last few days then I'm sure Leicester can.
  3. You'll be lucky. If we are actually told before the match tomorrow the line-up will be in alphabetical order. Personally I'd rather print a blank programme and fill it in when I get there rather than be forced to buy one so that little tactic doesn't work with me.
  4. Try asking on the Cardiff 2017 thread ~ you may get a better response. Sorry I can't help as I'm not going so no idea. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=82076&page=15
  5. I really don't think Peterborough would be that stupid so that leaves Glasgow and Ipswich and I doubt they'd be that stupid either.
  6. Well good luck with that because by the time the 2018 season comes round there will probably only be 5 or 6 Premiership tracks left.
  7. I'm not choosing any sides but it's pretty obvious things are said to get a response from you and the whole thing is damn boring for the rest of us, so yes the topics are littered with rubbish because it's always the same things being repeated over and over again. I just wish the pair of you would stop acting like two year olds.
  8. Sorry but Stevebrum is not a victim ~ they are both as bad as each other. The forum is full of arguments Steve gets into, not just with Fred Flange. If he would just stick to what he said in the post I quoted we wouldn't continually have topics littered with rubbish. Anyway I don't know why I bother as I've got much more important things to worry about so let them carry on.
  9. You're the one who stated you'd no interest in responding to him and yet you still do and so it goes on with another thread ruined. As far as I'm aware the other poster hasn't claimed he's going to stop goading you so no point in me including him.
  10. I thought I'd read in a recent Speedway Star that he does do them, but I could be wrong of course. Edit............Sorry just seen the post from beefy keefy that confirms Colin does them.
  11. Does he? I've only ever heard him once when Rob was on holiday,
  12. Going well isn't it? Obviously a man of your word. All this stupid nonsense would stop if you actually did what you said you'd do and stop responding. He'd soon get fed up then and the rest of us could read the topics without having to put up with all this rubbish.
  13. Leicester's last match was on June 17th and their next one on July 17th (which I'll have to miss anyway.) This more than anything is what is killing Speedway as people just get out of the habit of going. Agree but isn't it Swindon's Colin Pratt who sorts the fixtures out?
  14. Probably SCB is the only one other than you. Thanks for the explanation.
  15. How on earth does this system work that he had only had one ride in 26 heats?
  16. Yes that site is great if you know the two teams riding order but promoters don't seem to be very forthcoming with that information in an effort to make us buy a programme.
  17. Private land though isn't it so I doubt the Police would want to get involved?
  18. I was just wondering if you had forgotten your password or something and joined again with a slightly different name so thanks for clearing that up........I think.
  19. You were at Peterborough last Sunday so you'll probably recall a race when this happened. I don't remember who the rider was, except that he was in Red, or who the referee was but he jumped at the start and just stopped himself from hitting the tapes. That was when the referee let them go and he was last out of the gate. It can be done.
  20. Being morbid...... or realistic....... it's true though. In 10 years time how many of us will still be capable of driving any distance. I'm already struggling so I know I won't be. At Peterborough on Sunday I'd never seen so many elderly people either using a mobility scooter or walking with a stick/crutch and that includes me now. I'm probably being too negative but I doubt if I will ever see the Bees back at Brandon or at a new stadium and I've accepted that now.
  21. Unfortunately it's probably going to be too long for many of us.
  22. Heaven knows how they manage to go to sleep but they always have at Speedway meetings. They're certainly no Thomas. I've got a lovely photo of Molly curled up asleep at her first meeting when she was 10 weeks old with the Coventry track in the background. I've always taken a dog with me for company and started when just a couple of months old. If they were upset by the noise or didn't behave then I wouldn't but all the dogs I've had have been little angels. That's Border Collies for you.
  23. I probably shouldn't admit this but I am quite enjoying being a neutral fan this season and I'm not really bothered any more about the demise of my club Coventry. Speedway these days is completely different to how it used to be when you knew which riders were in your team and the race night was on a certain day every week. Now it's anyone's guess who will be riding and it can be 2 or even 3 weeks between meetings. Sadly it's all gone to pot.
  24. No but it shows that some of his fans are.
  25. Have you got children? Do they willingly share anything? Same goes for dogs. Actually I suppose they could share but the way they spread themselves out full length when asleep one of them would end up lying on the shale covered concrete while the other hogs all the blanket. I love Peterborough but it is rather dirty in the grandstand. If they're ever short of shale they could sweep some of it up and return it to the track.
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