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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. I think it goes much further back than that. I've not been to Wolverhampton for years since they banned dogs but before that always went twice when Coventry were riding there and Lindgren has pulled some pretty bad moves against our riders.
  2. They used to do but I'm sure a Workington fan will confirm if that still applies.
  3. Summed up pretty well. Bit similar to Buxton where you wonder where the hell you are going before you spot the track. Glad you enjoyed your visit. Apparently the meeting starts at 8pm this week so that's a brilliant idea ~ bit of a parade and waffling about and the sun should be low enough to avoid any delay. Not sure if this is the plan now as the following match states 7.30pm start or if it's just because the City are playing at home at 3pm and giving more time for fans to attend both if they wish.
  4. Not just the younger generation as I should think someone 50 plus is classed as middle aged. I was talking to my nephew at a family funeral last week and he said he and his son went to the Sidecar meeting at Leicester which they really enjoyed so thought they'd attend the next Speedway match. His verdict ~ too expensive and too much messing around between races and what's all this about a sun break! They won't be going again.
  5. Hope you don't mind if I reply as he's obviously not seen your post yet. Yes, it will be at Slater Street which is still going strong, although I don't think they have a team in the top division any more. Those were the days with David Hemsley, Mick Skinner, Craig Marchant, Norman Venson, Ralph Doughty and all the Whiteheads. Good grief! At last promoters with a bit of sense. That's one thing I won't be able to moan about now. Also a good idea now the Football season has started as it gives more time for those who wish to attend both matches.
  6. What's SCB's reason then as he does enough moaning and he's a Spring Chicken. Not sure I agree with you or not about it being an age thing as it's only Speedway that makes me feel fed up. On the whole I am completely happy and enjoy life but things have definitely changed for the worse in our sport. Surely we all know that. I don't know what the answer is to all this doubling up, doubling down and missing riders but the fact is it gets worse each season and more and more fans decide they've had enough and give up. I never thought I would be indifferent about Coventry ever returning but now I think they are best out of it and that's sad after I have supported them for 30 years.
  7. Why indeed. Just pay on the night as you never know with UK weather if it's going to be chucking it down with rain and you will lose your £17.
  8. All irrelevant now if it's true he has had another big crash.
  9. Probably the correct conclusion as Chris and Scott in heat 15 looked a pretty formidable pairing and knowing his last heat appearances for the Bees he can usually be relied on. Just a shame it all went wrong, although I was too far away to see what exactly happened when he fell.
  10. Yes we must all be missing something as there weren't sun breaks years ago. It's all very well thanking us for our patience ~ heat 2 started at 8.15 ~ but a lot of us weren't and there was a considerable amount of moaning going on and it wasn't all from me. Not only is the match delayed so we are left watching endless laps by the tractor and listening to some boring waffle but it affects being able to watch the youngsters in the second half as well because by the time the match analysis is over those in the shopping centre car park are worried about exceeding the 4 hour limit so have to leave. A couple near me even had to miss the last two heats of the match as they had to catch the last bus home. Anyway, well done to the Lions on their win, which came as something of a surprise after seeing Rye House's score at Poole. Robbo was brilliant, KK not the powerhouse I thought he'd be at reserve and Bomber made a couple of costly mistakes. When was the last time he was excluded twice in a match? Racing not as good as it has been and heat 15 turned into a bit of an anti-climax after Chris was excluded.
  11. Arnie is keeping count. Started at 7.36pm. Darren Hartley apparently.
  12. Yes not a brilliant attendance but still looks more than at the majority of tracks. Dont talk to me about the bloody sun break though. Where Bomber fell was in the shade and the other 3 managed okay. Riders were out for heat 2 but called back in again. Better not be long as I am bored already. 😀
  13. But lots of fans are still going so it can't be much of a farce.
  14. If you can't get there in time there is actually a buggy taking people to the stadium but unfortunately it's only the last bit, not from the shopping centre.
  15. At least a taxi would also drop you off directly at the stadium. I've no idea where the bus stops but probably near the shopping centre where most people have to park their car when going to the Speedway and it's quite a walk from there....for me anyway. It's probably only half a mile but feels like about five. Hope you enjoy the match and the cricket.
  16. Not necessarily true. Perhaps there are plans to have two leagues ~ North and South ~ using riders who actually want to ride in the UK. I really like the sound of this, with play offs between the top two from each league at the end of the season. I'm still optimistic this will happen while I'm still able to get to Speedway meetings.
  17. Looks quite complicated using buses so I think your best bet would be a taxi. See what you think after adding the details. http://www.choosehowyoumove.co.uk/jp/
  18. I can't comment on Rye House but there was a good crowd at Leicester last Saturday in spite of multiple riders being missing and the poor team Kings Lynn put out. (Two guests and rider replacement for Lions and four guests/rider replacement for Stars.) If that had been held on a Wednesday or Thursday I think the attendance would have been halved.
  19. Doesn't bode well for Leicester on Saturday then as he's booked to guest for the Lions.
  20. Well judging by the comments about the weather, also the post before yours saying it's on, I've managed to add 2 and 2 together, made 4 and have worked out pretty easily that it's tonight. I mean no promoter cancels 48 hours ahead of a match due to the weather forecast do they? Err......wait a minute......I'm pretty sure that has happened.
  21. Normally £1, none of which goes to the promotion ~ all to The Showground. I suppose £2 wasn't bad on this occasion as some were parked up for six hours. The last time I went into Leicester City centre it cost me £9.20p for just over two hours as the fee jumped straight to 4 hours after exceeding 2. That was over six years ago as I haven't been back since so it probably costs even more now.
  22. I don't see why you have to add 'in my opinion' because obviously anything you post on here is your opinion.........in my opinion.
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