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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Makes no difference does it? If he wasn't "ill" he would have been withholding his services so Peterborough would still have got a facility, unless I've got it wrong.
  2. I like the sound of 'better not riding at Peterborough' full stop. Hopefully they wouldn't be stupid enough to sign him again.
  3. Wish I knew the answer but I very much doubt some of the big names will be enticed back again as they will just find another excuse. Hopefully you're right and the attendance mid week will be okay but personally I prefer the lower league and Saturday night racing. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Can't please everyone.
  4. Okay fair enough. Perhaps it just seems that way because there are a lot where I am on the 4th bend. I suppose we're all doomed then if the Monday/Thursday nights go ahead as I really can't see the attendances being as good as on a Saturday. Same with Peterborough the other track I attend when they have Sunday meetings and the attendance always seems pretty good. I know Tuesday's was a disaster. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens as we lurch from one problematic season to another.
  5. Great! Shopping centre car park almost full like it was for the last Monday meeting and a lot of children not allowed to go because of school the next day. Yes I know......blah blah......other teams manage okay riding midweek but do they get the amount of children there that are always at the Leicester meetings? I doubt it.
  6. According to BWD on Facebook he is riding on Thursday but of course it might not be the real BWD.
  7. That's the thing that always puzzled me about Chris Harris when he was a Bee. The majority of seasons he would be flying by July onwards after struggling to get the right set up........ presumably........in the early months of the year. Then when everything was sorted and he was riding really well the bikes would be sold and new ones bought for the beginning of the next season. Really couldn't see the point of that but I suppose he must have had a good reason. No idea what it was though.
  8. Seem to remember Chris Harris refusing to attend the last Coventry one because he'd got to pay for his partner.
  9. I'd say Hyenaitus ~ the spotted variety also known as the Laughing Hyena ~ which is probably what Jack is doing right now back in Australia.
  10. The Thompson Twins are coming along nicely too as I've been watching their progress at Leicester and Coventry, although sadly not at Brandon anymore.
  11. Didn't expect that. Well done Panthers. Looks like my speedway season is not over yet afterall. 😀
  12. Seems easy enough to get a medical certificiate these days. Probably someone has loads printed off and they're just given out when required. 3 hour sickness bug, broken nail, headache, caught a few fleas off the dog............no problem.
  13. Definitely not Craig being naked. I've watched enough 'Naked Attraction' programmes on TV to confirm there is nothing attractive about the male body and they all look better with clothes on. No serious research either as I can remember it happening and just a quick google brings the link up. (I've been taking lessons from gustix.)
  14. One win, 3rd place and two lasts. I didn't say he was any good, just that he managed to keep still at the gate in all of his races and didn't get any warnings or start off 15 mtrs.
  15. Hard to know if you're joking or not as I'm a bit thick but I think he was just saying that last year it was the first week of November so that's when it will probably be this year.
  16. The difference being......hopefully .........that you weren't drink driving like Craig was. Worse possible scenario to bump into the rear of a Police Car, that's just asking for trouble.
  17. Can't say I have because it wouldn't be a pretty sight even when I was his age. 😀
  18. Thanks. It was good to see those races again......also the one that followed 'Chris Harris ~ Man of Steel.'
  19. Old news I know but it seems he's had a few issues in the past too. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cumbria/6907327.stm
  20. Luckily I hadn't read sharpandroids post before I went. BP was fine thank you but probably high now. Miserable sod. You might not think it was relevant but I was following on from the post by ch958, you know the one about doctor's appointments. Lots of threads go off topic. If you want to be a mod and decide what's relevant or not apply to Phil.
  21. True. I keep away from doctors whenever possible and have managed to avoid any physio by keeping a low profile. I did need a 12 month review for my blood pressure medication though and have had to wait 5 weeks for an appointment. Going this afternoon so must keep relaxed and not read any irritating posts on here.
  22. Think there might be a few refusals to ride from today's top riders. Too much like hard work coming from 15 metres back.
  23. I don't think we can judge the response on that because surely it will be binned next year anyway......hopefully. Perhaps I am mistaken then because I haven't seen the match on BT and as the stands were unavailable more people were around the terraces than normal making me think it was a good attendance. If you are correct and it was a poor crowd it wouldn't be that surprising with the City playing, the match on TV, horrible weather, outcome a foregone conclusion and riding on a Monday rather than the usual Saturday. Must admit I enjoyed the Peterborough v Glasgow match much more.
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