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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Gemini

    New Cross

    Thanks Norbold. Have looked at these now and they are very interesting, although it's a shame you don't have Charlie Barsby. Ham Burrell?? New one on me but what a great name.
  2. Probably three quarters of the way through writing a new book on the Life and Times of Michael Lee. Well, he has got the week off work.
  3. Poor soul. He doesn't stand a chance.
  4. .....And is it me or does poor Ove look like he's grimacing from the pain of being held down in his seat by Shazzy?
  5. Yes, I asked the same question last year. I can't believe that Andrzej is still riding competitively. Well done to him.
  6. There must be a complete Dick Dastardly Bermuda Triangle Forum somewhere because overnight posts seem to disappear. ...
  7. Ooops! Too late - she's gone. Incidentally my daughter is called Suzan and her name is always being spelt incorrectly. Just one of those things. Father's idea to call her Susan, but she has a strange mother who objected to the letter S having two different sounds in the same word.
  8. Where are you Kelvin? Fancy missing that one.
  9. And what about Kip? .. Is he included in the plans? (Dogs are allowed.) We have booked at a Travel Lodge near Ipswich, for 3 days at Easter, and I'm looking forward to trying it out as it sounds ideal for Speedway weekends away. I know there are also some good bargains to be had with Travel Inns, but I'm not too impressed with them following the email I had. You'd think a company of their repute could at least spell correctly when writing to potential customers. "Thank you for your e-mail. We regret that, with the axception of assistacne dogs, pets are not allowed in Travel Inns. regards ...central reservations."
  10. I've been following as well Grachan so thanks for letting us watch the clips. Brilliant stuff!
  11. Anyone know what year/s he rode for Leicester?
  12. 1 - 0 to Newxranger......
  13. Gemini

    High Beech

    I always go in for a spot of metamorphosis in the Spring.
  14. Gemini

    High Beech

    Any news of the patter of tiny feet in the Startline Sid household or was he alone? I can't send an email because I don't have his address any more since having a new hard drive. Don't forget to let me know please S.S.
  15. Don't panic. It's probably only in the wash.
  16. I don't think any of the above are Speedway riders, Peter. They sound more like some of Sandman's motley crew on his boat, especially Happy Kirk.
  17. I'm not sure if this is the same person that I remember because he was quite young and used to stand in different places, not in one spot. I used to dread it if I was on my own and he used to come and stand next to me. I'm sure he was harmless but he used to scare me to death and I always looked away hoping he wouldn't pick me to talk to.
  18. Did this little disagreement ever get resolved, whether Peter was handicapped or off the gate? At the time this discussion was going on I couldn't find the booklet called "Peter Craven. Tribute to a great little Champion" which cost me all of two shillings back in the 1960's. In here John Gibson says he spoke to Peter in the pits before his final fateful race. I asked if he would follow his normal practice in National League matches and start off a 20 yard handicap in his next race with Billy Powell and Monarchs George Hunter and Willie Templeton. Peter replied "The way these boys have been going tonight I honestly doubt if I could start 20 yards behind and have any chance of beating them, but if the fans want it that way it suits me..." The fans didn't want it that way, so the seemingly unbeatable Craven was off scratch with the other three riders. The race, which normally takes just under 70 seconds was cut short before it was half over and resulted in the first speedway fatality in Scotland since the war.
  19. And here endeth the lesson. The meek shall inherit the earth. So to get back to Bruce Penhall, do any of his sons have his extreme good looks? Only there's still a bit of room left in my scrapbook for a few additions.
  20. Just one Sandman, who has a really bad problem with her eyesight. Unfortunately I now resemble some of your mates. Blood shot eyes, thinning hair, teeth falling out, fat, ugly, fingers gradually dropping off. It's a shame but one just has to accept it and at least the dog doesn't notice.
  21. What wise words and how glad I am not to have been born handsome. Of course it works both ways and those born quite plain looking often in later life turn from a frog to a prince. I mean take John Lydon for example ......somebody....please.
  22. He should put them back on again. .. I've been reading all the posts again as well and it seems to me the ones who are doing the defending are mostly men (of a certain age?) whereas most of the women are perhaps hoping time would have stood still and he would at least resemble the photos taken twenty years ago when he was so handsome. It's no big deal though - just one more thing to discuss to pass the time away until the new season starts.
  23. Mustn't forget the Fish and Chip shop just across the road from the stadium. They sold the nicest I've ever tasted. Watching Speedway at Station Road then calling in for some fish and chips before making the journey back to Leicester. Perfect.
  24. I reckon Joanne is right and the photo was really of Simon Mayo. Strangely enough a lot of people look better as they get older. Haven't your children ever looked at old photos of you and burst out laughing? I know I looked a lot better in photos taken when I was 43 than when I was 23, but now at 63 I try to keep well away from cameras. Not always possible though when certain forum members have one masquerading as a mobile phone.
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