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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. I did get a picture of a little bit of the back of your head.... Gee thanks. That's the sort of photo I like rather than have a digital camera pointed about six inches from my wrinkled old face. I don't think I made myself very clear as usual. By 1st/2nd bend crowd I meant just that - not particularly forum members. I'm a bit fussy about which photos I put in my album you see and don't like to see loads of empty seats. Unfortunately from where we were sitting on the 1st bend I could only really take photos of the straights and 3rd/4th bend so there were quite a lot of spaces. I need bums on seats - loads of them - so the 1st/2nd bend would have been the best place as it seemed packed. Thanks for that Shazzy. I had already taken the liberty of down-loading it so I can print off a photo to scare Pawprint when she is being naughty.
  2. Too much fraternising with showbiz "celebrities" perhaps.
  3. Absolutely no criticism at all. They were brilliant. I'm not usually very keen on fireworks - not ones that involve loud bangs anyway - but these were just great. More of the same next year please.
  4. Did anyone take any photos of the 1st/2nd bend crowd?
  5. Ah! But that's what he wants you to think. Who knows what his next plans are for you.
  6. Mmmmm...Funny you should say that as Joanne did ask me who the Grim Reaper was at the end of the G.P. I tried asking, but no-one owned up. I'm certain he was there. Only just caught up with this thread so I missed Joanne's latest about going over the Severn Bridge in a train. Classic. Aren't you going to spill the beans on what Addy said about Tony Hadley? Incidentally - put 3 Gemini's together and the result is confusion. Summit and I had seats 27 and 28, but when we arrived there was a bag on seat 27, which turned out to be Addy's who thought that was where she was sitting. After several minutes of confusion - enjoyed[?]by Dickiemint and B2BMad in the row behind - we managed to locate Addy's ticket and it was No26. All sorted? No! I think Addy wanted to sit next to Joanne in seat 29. (Are you following this so far?) so we decided to all move up one, but firstly had to check with Norbold that he didn't mind if Addy didn't sit next to him as originally planned. I'm sure those in the row behind were quite relieved when everyone sat down in their newly allotted seats.
  7. Agree. I think the referee had a brilliant meeting and any decisions he had to make were the correct ones. We see loads of times referee's stopping a race because a rider has tried to roll at the start but has not gained an advantage. Re-starting the race gives another chance and is very unfair. The referee at Cardiff got it spot on.
  8. Apart from Polly Parrot I can't think of anyone small enough to do that and I'm not going to insult Tom Thumb by saying it could have been him as he is quite tall really. Sure it wasn't The Grim Reaper? Well that's made me feel a whole lot better LW. I was talking to someone sitting behind me at Cardiff but had to ask who they were. (I seem to make a habit of this.) Turned out to be Born2bMad who I had spent the whole of the Cougars v Wimbledon match with a few weeks before at Brandon. So embarrassing.
  9. Did one practice humility as well? You know just in case ones favourite rider, you know, didn't make the final, you know.
  10. Do you want any help with the answer Sir L? Had a brilliant weekend, apart from having to sleep on the floor of the hotel room because someone was kicking their legs around all night and making noises that half a dozen pigs would have a job to compete with. Went to the Newport v Newcastle match on Friday night and bumped into Joanne, who had travelled by train and bus so we gave her a lift back to Cardiff afterwards. Quite a good meeting although I missed seeing one of my favourite riders - Carl Wilkinson. After breakfast on Saturday we set off on a marathon walking session to keep Pawprint on the go so she would be worn out by evening, when she'd got to stay in the hotel room. Firstly went on the park (Sophia Gardens), then on a Bus Tour round Cardiff, round the city centre a few times, ending up on the Castle grass for a couple of hours. Pawprint was happily spending the time chasing a ball until a certain forum member chucked it about 100 feet in the air over the Castle Wall. No names, but he does have a sting in his tail. Went to Sams Bar about 4pm and met Sting, Robbo, Bandits4Ever, Pinny, for the first time, also other forum members in various stages of err......."merryment." Then walked back through Sophia Gardens to the hotel in Cathedral Road. Left about 6ish for the walk back to the stadium. Must say that everything about the G.P. this year was the absolute best. The track, presentation, atmosphere, music, Sam, noise, racing. Fantastic. I've watched it again on video now and it just doesn't compare to actually being there. Anyone who missed it - get yourself down to Cardiff next year. You will be amazed. Just one small gripe - the loudspeakers weren't very clear and it was hard to hear. I missed loads of the race times because of this. Pump up the volume! Highlights of the night have to be the good performances of the Brits, Greg Hancock winning, Nicki Pedersen and Hans Andersen going out and Steve Turner's face as the night wore on. The fireworks were brilliant. I didn't want to leave and felt really sad it was all over for another year. Already booked the hotel room for 2005.
  11. I wouldn't normally be bothered either but we have to keep Pawprint on the move all day so she is that shattered during the evening she just wants to rest her weary paws in the hotel room for 5/6 hours. The last couple of years have been too hot if anything so could we please have lower temperatures than lately, but no rain.
  12. Hope you know what you're doing Phil. Glad you could make it and I hope you have a great day.
  13. Shire Horses? That's what they reminded me of anyway. Perhaps it was the flared trousers and the way they walked.
  14. You're right there. Anything grim is usually male.
  15. Mmmmm....is there a hint in there somewhere? So it's a he which rules out The Stranger, so that narrows it down a bit.
  16. Does anyone know yet what the pre-meeting/interval attraction will be? The unveiling of The Grim Reaper perhaps?
  17. That's the e-v-i-l face Woody. Grim is trying to be frightening. ....That is the angry face.
  18. Scrooge! If Wizzer was riding perhaps we could change your mind. Is that the Loch Ness monster's missus?
  19. Depends if you're on a camp site or not - they can't damn well touch you on there. If you are in a car park or lay-by I should think the same rules apply as for a car - no-one inside should have access to the keys if they have been drinking.
  20. But not if you have been drinking, unless you are prepared to leave the ignition keys somewhere where you can't find them to drive.
  21. Just checked with my son-in-law (who's also a policeman) and that's correct Woody. If there is any chance you could drive, i.e. having possession of the keys, then you could get done. Shame. Hope you manage to find somewhere to sleep. Have you got a tent?
  22. Gosh - I wish I had a better memory! I saw a programme a few months ago and Ian Cartwright was being interviewed in the workshop. He now owns the company which originally belonged to his grandfather (or great-grandfather!) I think Simon also works for him when racing commitments allow.
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