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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. I think Adonis is female. Speedibee has recently posted too so his exile must be over.
  2. Save Coventry Speedway: STATEMENT: BEES AT LEICESTER Whatever that is it's not available.
  3. I think a lot will be there. It's getting them to Leicester with admission fee going to Mick Horton that seems to be the problem.
  4. There seems to be 3 reasons, although I'm sure someone else can point out a few more. 1] Dislike of the promoter and the feeling he is in some way helping BE achieve their plans of building houses on the Brandon site. 2] The distance to travel and the fact this isn't really a Coventry Bees team. 3] National League Racing, which the majority of fans didn't support at Brandon so are hardly likely to support the team at another track.
  5. Ah.....you see I don't know what's going on half of the time and struggle to understand who exactly is at fault but I think I get that one, although it's maybe true without the Stock Cars? Perhaps by the time the season starts I will be able to work out whether to support the NL team or not because at the moment I'm 50/50.
  6. Blimey! We agree on something. Very unprofessional of Chris who some have admired as a Coventry rider for years. He should have kept his mouth shut whatever feelings he had, but then he's not really one to do that as he made enough fuss about having to pay for his partner at the 2016 Dinner/Dance and refused to go whereas others like K.K. flew over from Poland.
  7. Who? Chris Harris? Always comes across to me as a bit of a mardy sod and it was obvious he didn't get on with Mick Horton so he was bound to stick the boot in when he had the chance.
  8. I'm sure the helpless one day old baby of some species is happy with the sun on its back before being eaten alive by a Lion, Tiger, Leopard etc. etc. in the wild.
  9. Chris Harris didn't exactly win all his races last season so it's not that easy. I don't take any interest in statistics though so I don't know what his final average was.
  10. I think he's on the waiting list to ride for Poole.
  11. Luckily I live in Leicester so still have a team to support, although it was the Bees from 1984 to 2016. I also supported the Cougars and The Storm so enjoy NL racing, but not made my mind up yet what I will be doing.
  12. Unfortunately you're wrong. I just wish I could work things out for myself but I am totally confused with all the conflicting comments and don't know which to believe.
  13. How can I judge if you are right or wrong if you don't explain what the holes in the statement are? At the moment I'm not sure what to believe so I need persuading.
  14. Can you list the holes then please so I can avoid falling into them? At my age I find it easier letting someone else explain instead of trying to understand things myself.
  15. Afraid not as it is a Greyhound Racing track, hence us never going.
  16. Thanks Rob. I'll try that tomorrow as we have a Freeview TV upstairs. I'm sure you have misunderstood Lioness because she isn't into taking the mickey, just making an observation I think.
  17. Looks like he was still riding in Germany in 2016 but can't find anything for 2017. He last rode in the UK in 2011 for Somerset and Poole I think. Can he still be called a lad at nearly 33?
  18. Unfortunately I can't get channel 445 without an upgrade to my subscription so I'll have to give it a miss.
  19. I don't see how it can be possible though without the Stock Cars as well and as the owners won't allow Sandhu in the place a return looks pretty bleak.
  20. Yes I have changed my mind as I originally wasn't going but living in Leicester and on the downward slope to oblivion it would be daft really not to attend all the matches I can while I am still able. I think we have got the message now and it is imprinted on my brain the names of those who won't be going as we get told at every opportunity on here and Facebook. Do you really think there will ever be Speedway at Brandon again or if a new stadium will be built? Afraid I don't so it makes no difference if there is a Coventry team riding at Leicester.
  21. You may well be right but I wouldn't use this forum as a guide because there aren't that many Coventry fans on here anyway. 20? 30 if they all come out of the woodwork?
  22. I think it did.......to some fans anyway.
  23. Of course they didn't. Poole only lost because of Jim Lynch.
  24. Not been moaning personally but I AM beginning to change my mind about going, depending on a few things making it possible. I think some others will be carrying on with their stance though as long as Mr Horton is involved.
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