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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Congratulations! It's a shame the Sheffield training track has shut down because you could have had a go at Speedway without buying a bike and all the stuff. Ray and our son Paul both went for a couple of days a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  2. Yes...but....rather than stopping altogether surely it's best to try to cut down on the expense? It's not really necessary to stay overnight in a hotel as most, if not all tracks, run coaches to Cardiff - even Leicester send one and we haven't held Speedway for 24 years. It still means you can be in Cardiff for the afternoon so don't miss any of the atmosphere. Buy early and get the cheaper tickets - no-one has to spend £60. Pack up some sandwiches and a bottle of pop etc., and give up excessive drinking throughout the day which must cost a bomb. (Not aimed at anyone in particular.) It's also possible to find cheaper B/B's if you book early enough. The one we have always stayed at since 2001 was charging £35 per night bed & breakfast last year which I don't think was too expensive.
  3. Wouldn't get me. In fact it would put me off going as they don't sound much like family entertainment. I think the whole lot should be put on the scrap heat - not the Fuel Girls - The E.L. Championship, The Best Pairs, P.L. Championship, British Final.... Time to let them quietly slip away as they don't really mean anything now the G.P's have taken over every couple of weeks throughout the season. Who really cares who is E.L. Champion or which team has the best pair of riders? Sorry but not me. I guess I'd better borrow Trackman's tin hat now.
  4. Ours are already booked so you can do it anytime through BOSS. When the season starts pop along to the supporters club kiosk and see Mr Bob Cooke. He will be able to sort everything out for you.
  5. Yes, we are going as usual, but for the first time not staying over as we are going on the Coventry coach. I'm fine thanks, but Ray has just broken his arm so I have a lot of little extra things to do like cutting his food up, dressing him and generally being a caring wife. As long as he can manage to wipe his own bum I don't mind. The dogs are fine as well thanks but I'm sure Jemma will miss her Cardiff trip as she normally had a great day and a trip to the seaside on the Sunday as well. Perhaps see you somewhere around Cardiff in the afternoon.
  6. Ah....I understand now. So you are not getting a morning train - that puts a different perspective on things. I'm sure there will still be a lot of forum members hanging around the Prince of Wales even in the late afternoon.
  7. Where are you travelling from....Australia? It shouldn't take too long to get to Cardiff surely if you are catching a morning train? Most forum members seem to head for The Prince of Wales in the afternoon so you should be able to meet a lot there.
  8. I'm really sorry to hear that and I can't understand the reasoning behind the decision because Speedway night's at Brandon have been so much more enjoyable since you have been doing the music. Its not just about the racing - as you say there is an awful lot of time to fill in. I suppose that means we'll get even more waffling on from Peter York now. I presume that is the end of the after-meeting discos as well? I didn't go myself due to the other half being a miserable so & so who always wants to go straight home (hope he doesn't read this!) but they always looked very well attended. Surely that would be good for business at the bar etc. Strange decision.
  9. Oh great! I hope they have got a good replacement standing by because you will be a hard act to follow.
  10. As much as I would love to see it back at Coventry it's probably not possible due to all the events which take place at the stadium, dogs, stock cars & banger racing.
  11. I think they've already said the stadium is unavailable in March, but I can't check because someone has taken the Speedway Star to bed with them.
  12. Well, look on the bright side. At least now Cardiff won't be holding the 100th Grand Prix in March 2008, which was the original plan. It is so much nicer walking around Cardiff and having a drink in the warm June sunshine.
  13. Don't we all?! There aren't many things that stick in my memory but unfortunately Brent's performance against Coventry is one of them. He rode brilliantly that night.
  14. Happy to help Kev. Both my scanner and printer packed in before Christmas but I'm shortly going to be up and running again with a combined one. Should be a laugh working that one out.
  15. Well, I did just say Hello as I rushed by so he didn't have time to talk and get me confused. No, actually I was looking for Full Throttle, my team captain, who I was told was at the back of the room. I wanted to make sure I still had a place because I had earlier emailed him to say I wouldn't be going. I wish I could have got there earlier then maybe we wouldn't have been called The Buckets and I wouldn't have been allotted the name of Hyacinth.
  16. It must be me but I do find him a problem to chat to as I often can't understand what he is saying. Lovely lad with a lovely Welsh accent though. I could listen to him talking all day, as long as he doesn't mind me looking blankly at him half the time as my brain is frantically trying to catch up.
  17. ....Oh well. Statistics never was my good point. I thought he finished in 9th place last season. Serves me right for chucking out all my Speedway Stars so I couldn't check. Oh I'm sure it can. Just keep watching. Nicholls has reached his peak now and there is no-one else on his level or likely to be for a few years.
  18. I just hope Subedei doesn't see that 'cos by my reckoning that makes Scott Nicholls further down than he actually finished in 2006. Yet more ammunition.
  19. You little tinker! You didn't tell me you went to Coventry. It would have been nice to have met up again.
  20. Ey up! I've found a sentence from your usual ramblings that I agree with and the words are slightly different to anything you have said before which is very refreshing. Sorry, but repetition bores me to death. I can't stand the 12 days of Christmas, 10 Green Bottles or Old McDonald's Farm either and your rants about Nicholls have been equally irritating because they are always the same. Message understood. Nicholls shouldn't be in the G.P's. Over and out. Edit.....I'll leave you to it Biddows, but you might as well give up now because you will never get through to the receptive part of Sub's brain.
  21. Sub. I do wish you would give over as well as your continual sniping at Nicholls is really boring and repetitive. We all know your feelings so you have no need to keep telling us at every opportunity. I very much doubt if Scott has done any begging to get in the 2007 G.P's as it's not his decision who is in and who is out. So he is in - hard cheese for you but good for all the British fans who will enjoy seeing him in the G.P's this year.
  22. There you go Barrow Boy - there's a few replies for you. Oh Yes.... I do seem to remember us always heading South which would be down. Told you I had gone senile. We also used to go to Wimbledon for The Laurels and The Internationale....which would be down again I suppose. But on the other hand we regularly attended the Riders Championship thingy at Hyde Road, Manchester, when we would be heading North. See...I'm getting the hang of this now. Great day out at Belle Vue with a trip to the fair afterwards.
  23. Ah..... I'm feeling sorry for you. I can't understand why no-one has replied but perhaps it's because the topic is being covered all the time on different threads. It's no good asking me for memories as I've gone senile, but as I've said on another thread I don't think the classic 1981 Wembley Final was really as good as everyone says. And yes I was there and have watched the video several times since. The best thing about Wembley was the journey there, decorating the car and seeing all the others heading up the M1. Happy memories.
  24. Chris Harris, David Howe, Edward Kennett, Richard Hall, Brent Werner, Leigh Lanham, Sam Simota, Chris Neath, Phil. Morris, Nicki Glanz, Lubos Tomicek, Mical Rajaowski. That's the ones confirmed. Any more?
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