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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Just as I thought - a few minutes away from my house and I don't know where it is. Looks nice but I think I'll stick with the Travel Lodge prices.
  2. What's the Marriott like? Food/furnishings etc. I can't think which one it is now as there are so many different big hotels etc. around Leicester. I'm sure it used to be called something else and changed it's name. Is it near the M1/M69...or on second thoughts that's probably The Hilton? Glad you had a good time. I could have nipped up and looked through the windows. Nice photos by the way Steve.
  3. I'd go further and say it is always the first place any accident victim would go. I can't imagine anyone being taken anywhere else as that's what the accident and emergency section is for surely? No-one is going to be taken straight up to a ward without being assessed first. Shawn you are wrong again.
  4. Okay Shawn what is a genuine accident in your opinion? Driving on the roads can be dangerous, using knives, gardening, hedge trimmers, saws, walking on snow or ice, D.I.Y, even something as simple as taking the dog for a walk as my sister-in-law recently broke her ankle in two places when the dog pulled her over. The list is endless. 18 hours wait for such a bad injury seems very excessive to me. I hope it wasn't at the Leicester Royal Infirmary.
  5. Must have been at least 8,000 I would have thought. Felt like it anyway! Regarding the attendance of 20,000, hasn't the terracing been altered since the Hull double header? The main grandstand has I'm sure been extended in both directions so there is less space on the terraces now and it's certainly not possible to see very much in certain areas underneath the grandstand on the 4th bend reducing the number of people able to stand there. In view of this it's quite possible there were 20,000 in the stadium back then. I think Mr Heaver said about a year ago that the limit nowadays is something like 12,196 or some other strange figure.
  6. Thanks. That's two correct guesses so perhaps there is still hope that my brain hasn't completely died off yet.
  7. I seem to remember being at this meeting as well so perhaps the double header involved Leicester? No chance of me recalling anything else I'm afraid except I know the place was packed out and I wouldn't be surprised if there was 20,000 there.
  8. Oh dear. I was hoping Norbold wouldn't come across this thread and see my pathetic attempts at getting my brain to work.
  9. I know who I was thinking about now and at least the first name was Ron. There was an English Ron Johnston and an Australian Ron Johnston. Now go and tell me I've got that wrong as well because knowing what my memory is like I won't be surprised.
  10. In that case I give up and won't try any longer to join in adult conversation. Don't worry you haven't lost it - it's me who's going senile.
  11. Glad to hear that. Perhaps I'm thinking of Ron Howe the Australian one.
  12. Not too sure about Ron How and George Major. It's a shame Norbold is on holiday at the moment as he is the forum historian and would know.
  13. Somewhere down south and not far from Rye House, so that would be in Essex then I think. Or even Hertfordshire now I've checked. http://www.pwpark.com/ No mention of the speedway musem.
  14. Page two of this thread is very confusing. It's a good job the youngsters don't look in here or it will confirm what they think of the 'over 40's.' So the photo I put on webshots http://rides.webshots.com/photo/2752081620047007148VBPATs is the Bluey who rode for Motherwell and later Ipswich and his real name is Eric. I think I've got it now.
  15. So is he not Eric any more then? Yes...you've got me confused as well now.
  16. Strewth! Is everything dead then? ..
  17. I've got a photo of a bit of the track if that's of any interest. http://rides.webshots.com/photo/1246246386047007148Hsaaum
  18. Yuk!! I hope it tastes better than it looks.
  19. Your best bet would be to try the Wolves forum http://wolfcry.proboards14.com/index.cgi or perhaps send Lupus a PM on here as I'm sure she would know. Also this might be better in the Speedway Discussions area because a lot of people don't bother coming in here as they think this section is for the elderly. No, on second thoughts don't bother moving it because Lupus loves it in here and will probably see this post. I'm dead!
  20. Bless! Isn't it nice when a man takes notice of what a woman says. He's done a good clear up job on that post. Well done I like Slant. By the way I used to like Slant as well - if you are talking about Slant Payling. (I might have spelt that wrong.)
  21. So am I but it's really easy to edit a post by just clicking on the "edit" icon of your post, then you can delete the bit that shouldn't have been there and re-submit. You can even delete the whole of your next post by clicking on the "delete" icon and then no-one will know you made a mistake.
  22. So is that The Pavillion in the photo? If so presumably it is still going strong and will probably do even better business when all the houses have been built. What exactly is a doner kebab and what does it contain? The only one I've seen is in Coronation Street. You'll have to excuse the ignorance but I'm one of those strange veggie persons so don't know.
  23. Best fish and chips I've ever had. The shop was on the opposite side of Station Road to the stadium and was very popular with fans and riders alike.
  24. Alf Hagon is still alive and kicking. He was mentioned in the Speedway Star a couple of weeks ago. I'll give that a miss thanks. It sounds too depressing.
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