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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. You're assuming Steve had the decency to remove his post. Perhaps it was taken off by Phil. I can't imagine Steve being scared off by a few posts saying he could be sued.
  2. Because...because...well they just can as they were the hosts. Now you know why I don't bother and I only live a few miles away. I've been 3 times so far and the racing has been rubbish but you're not really allowed to criticise the track because some on here get all protective and irritable.
  3. Ah the VW. Very happy memories of 29 years driving the old VW Beetle and 5 years the Camper van.
  4. I've never heard of an EXTERNAL temperature gauge on a car but it sounds posh. If I want to know what the temperature is outside I just stick my head out of the car window and make a guess. Sorry but I can't get enthused about the Premier League Fours so I'm not going. Saving my pennies for a trip to Kings Lynn on Wednesday.
  5. That's cheating. It's probably 100 degrees in my car as it's standing on the drive in the sun but if you want external it's 68 degrees outside where the tomatoes are growing in the garden so we're getting there.
  6. I don't know if I'm included in the 'Leicester knocking neg ferrets' list because I've commented about the muddy banks on here, having had the pleasure of standing on the 4th bend in inches deep wet clay so I do know what it has been like, but I'm certainly not gutted that the area has now dried out. I don't know about the 72 degree heat though - it's quite a few degrees lower than that where I live 4 miles away. I think you're perhaps getting paranoid because most of the criticisms about Leicester have been well founded and a lot of them acted upon so fair play to David who seems to have been taking notice. Hope it is a cracking meeting tomorrow with good racing and a bumper crowd.
  7. I don't think it will be that easy to get rid of the muddy banks just because the forecast is not now for so much rain as it was initially. I agree with Volty it will put people off attending once they've been and experienced how hard it is to walk/stand in all the clay. I really can't understand why they don't do something about it because the problem could so easily be solved. You obviously didn't go to the Coventry match which was absolutely brilliant. I love Peterborough and would go every week if I lived nearer. Like someone has said the car park is really good now and the seating in the grandstand is much better than Coventry as there is a lot more knee room and plenty of space for 2 dogs underneath the seats.
  8. I've asked this before but I'll try again. Why can't they just put something like woodchip down? Surely it's not that expensive and would tide things over until something more permanent can be done during the Winter. The last time I went it was awful underfoot and I don't suppose it will have got any better with the rain we've had lately.
  9. It won't make much difference if the riders aren't willing to listen and take notice though. I can remember Sam Ermolenko years ago saying Simon Stead's style was all wrong and he shouldn't be locking up so much but he still rides the same way today.
  10. If it was Kelvin it would have been "There's no doubt about that." In view of the fact there wasn't much to get excited about tonight - pretty much knowing Team GB would finish 4th in the end - I decided to count how many times Kelvin said it and the total was 19, but I could have missed a few.
  11. Because they are the ones who are deciding not to go any more. Speedway seems to be secondary to having a good booze up for a lot of fans.
  12. That's the problem with Cardiff - for 'elderly' people like myself - enjoyment of the whole evening depends upon who is sat next to you, who in front and who behind. I've not been for the past two years and haven't really missed going.
  13. Yes, you can buy them on the day. Have a look in the Grand Prix section of the forum here. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=64222
  14. She is a good singer. It's just her mannerisms and the way she talks that drives me mad.
  15. Many thanks. I'm staying faithful to the Danish Webmaster as I have always used his.
  16. We've been out today but it doesn't look like I've missed much after reading these posts. I thought last season's G.P's were vastly improved due to the tracks being prepared a lot better but it seems it's back to the slick borefests again.
  17. I bet there are loads of dogs really pleased with this decision - just sitting by the door waiting for the hand to appear through the letterbox.
  18. Thank you. I've always used the Danish Webmaster's version so appreciate knowing where it is.
  19. Poole...Poole? Some can see no further than Poole. I think we are talking about Kings Lynn aren't we, not blinking Poole?
  20. I'm pretty sure Colin was referring to certain riders in the Coventry team and the fact that everyone seemed to hate each other. Team spirit was non existent, matches were continually being lost and the fans were staying away as the discontent spread to the terraces. Then Rory left - but please don't think I'm insinuating Rory was the main problem in the team - and things picked up again. The rest is history.
  21. Because there isn't a better way. Have no points limit and the Elite League would be down to a handful of teams in a couple of years. There has to be some sort of levelling up at the end of each season and it's usually the top couple of teams who are hit the most. That's how it has been for years and Coventry have had their share of having to lose riders without complaint. This year something has happened which has been the final straw....but we don't know what that is yet.
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