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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Still a way over the top reaction and an attack on the poster.
  2. Wow! That comment is really uncalled for.
  3. You'll be lucky. Pretty much sums up how Speedway is now. Woz took the day off work so he could attend, I had to arrange for family members to visit yesterday and not today even though it was inconvenient for them. All for nothing. I'm not bothering again as I just don't believe the track couldn't have been prepared in time for a 4pm start.
  4. Yes what happened? No rain since yesterday afternoon and with a 4pm start I was expecting the track to be sorted out okay, especially as it is a lovely sunny day. So disappointing.
  5. I don't think that will be happening, although I wish it would so we get to see a bigger variety of teams and more fixtures. Hopefully Big Al is correct. I suppose we will find out soon.
  6. Unfortunately just because they want to drop down doesn't mean they will be accepted into the Championship so I wouldn't bet on that yet.
  7. Shame your management didn't think that way instead of acting like spoilt brats when Poole lost both matches.
  8. Glad I didn't bother going as I've never been interested in individual meetings and it's quite an effort for me to get there these days. Just hope the track is better next Sunday for the Bees v Eagles match.
  9. I didn't go so I can't give an opinion as to the racing but it just goes to show how differently fans react with regard to their enjoyment of a meeting. Reading the posts on here I get the impression it was boring, the usual processional stuff and riders having problems with the track yet elsewhere the comments were 1] 'What a great meeting that was. Not all from the gate and some good racing.' 2] 'Great meeting. Really enjoyed it.' 3] 'Enjoyed this meeting today. Plenty of determination and grit.' 4] 'I enjoyed that. Good entertaining Speedway.' So presumably some fans are easily pleased?
  10. Mayonnaise for me. I'm quite surprised at flagrag's comments actually because the food van always sells loads of Burgers, Chips etc. and it must be Leicester fans going back for more each week as there aren't that many opposition supporters on Monday's.
  11. Can't comment on the Burgers as I don't eat meat but I've always thought the chips are nice and for £2 not bad value as you get a lot. I have been known to have them on Sunday afternoon (Coventry) and Monday evening (Leicester).
  12. Possibly but some people on here are very quick to discover old members under a new name as they give themselves away after a while with their style of writing. Adonis for example didn't last long with his. All I can say is heaven help new members in a month or two's time.
  13. Well I wouldn't. He's in his 30's now isn't he so let him rent one of the houses he was always going on about as he thought people who had mortgages were stupid.
  14. I'm sure Mummy and Daddy will have him back home again so doubt that will happen unfortunately.
  15. Seem to remember a rider flipping over on the concrete start at the old Blackbird Road track and breaking his back. I used to know his name but sadly it's no longer stored.
  16. Colin Cook? Happy memories of one of my favourite Leicester riders. Agree about the race though ~ brilliant.
  17. Very impressed with how Connor has improved this season riding for Coventry and lately Leicester. He has come on tremendously well and must be one of the few riders who rides the Beaumont Park track really well. Pleased he has now been signed as an asset for 2019.
  18. Do you think Mick will want the team to get to the play-offs and have an extra match? I have my doubts because he must have lost loads of money this season running the Bees at Leicester.
  19. Yes that's the one. There were others involved originally in Leicester opening but one by one they quit, before getting the boot himself during a match against Kings Lynn when he stormed up to the referees box because he had accidentally turned the lights off. Can't remember the year but must be 3 or 4 seasons ago? I am wondering regarding the shape of the track if it would be worthwhile actually asking the current team what needs to be done to make it a better racing track as riders must surely have a better idea. Perhaps then there could be one last ditch attempt during the Winter to make alterations to improve it so it doesn't have this awful reputation for processional racing and lose more fans.
  20. No Sam didn't design it. Well, he did have input in the first place but then went back home for a wedding (I think) and while he was away David Hemsley went his own way and carried on with the track how he wanted it. Result ~ poor processional racing for years.
  21. I don't know but we at Leicester were grateful for our reserve tonight who had 7 rides and was top scorer with 15 points. Saved us from a worse thrashing than losing by 10 points. Thank you Nicolaj Busk Jakobsen who again piled up the points guesting for the Lions.
  22. Well, it took place as I've checked and seen some photos. I will try to find out results. Edit...... First person couldn't help as he was too busy taking photos so now asking Russell Paine, but apparently he is difficult to contact so will just have to wait and see if he replies.
  23. Oh well that's my decision made then. If it's going to help Poole then I won't mind at all if the Lions lose again. Got quite used to it now anyway.
  24. Yes and I'm sure the original inventor of the 'Whoosh' has now been Whooshed himself which is quite funny really.
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